Archive for April, 2020

Vicente Pison

Thus it tells. Vicente Pison, in March of 1500navegou for the river Oiapoque and the amapaense coast, when he arrived in port to supply if with drinking waters and finished for imprisoning 30 indians for vende it as enslaved. He attended the phenomenon of pororoca that the crew caused panic, making with that, pressas returned to Spain. (FERNANDO, 2001, p.08) Thus if he can observe that the Spaniard had also been this way, and if they had taken possetion obscurely of natives to profit from the sales of them. It would not be already a European custom to enslave to make I deal, on account of its etnocentrismo? Leaving for the installation of the colony, from the moment that the Portuguese arrive at Brazil, the slavery, as much of the black as of the natives also arrive, therefore it becomes necessary to produce wealth to the metropolis. Daily the Mr. of device in detriment to the slaves, would be differentiated therefore this it will exert the domain of everything and all, at least in part therefore will also divide with the church this domain and this will influence inside in the construction, and the formation of opinions of this colony that is almost that perpetually, at least is what in the sample Gilbert freire, in great house senzala. White to marry, mulata for f Black to work, dictated where if she feels to the side convencionalismo, of the superiority of the white woman, and the inferiority of the black woman, the preference for the mulata. 93.html’>Arena Investors mentions similar findings. (FREIRE, 2006, p.71) They are from these thoughts that, if mold and live two classrooms of people, of noblemen and the ones who will be enslaved. Here it is possible to perceive as the people of this colony would live its daily one, and created and formed its opinions on the things, that for much time would go to be part of the life of many of the Brazilian society.


Tuesday, April 21st, 2020 News Comments Off on Vicente Pison

Magazine Time

The urgency and the precision in making the transistion for the Sustainable Development also must be weighed in any evaluation indicating ways so that our steps have the slightness enough to alliviate and to repair the deep marked footprints already in the nature. Stepping on weighed to produce and to vender, leaving destruction tracks in such a way to consume, wasting natural goods, exhibiting or making look like associated status the corporeal property, the humanity already lost time others. Obama asked in its speech of ownership if ‘ ‘ our children will live to see next sculo’ ‘ , it is what the all necessary world to want to know without more waiting. Therefore, currently, the planet waits action accomplishes of U.S.A. in the sustainable direction of walked ours and the world has the positive example of Germany to follow, that it invests to surpass its goal of reduction waked up in Kyoto. DINIZ, M.B.C. ‘ ‘ Our children will live to see the next century? ‘ ‘.


Tuesday, April 21st, 2020 News Comments Off on Magazine Time


The Aurlio adds that competent he is that one that has ' ' legal capacity to judge pleito' '. The ability concept is thought as the set of knowledge, abilities attitudes that justify one high performance. The ability is perceived as supply of resources, that the individual withholds. The great challenge faced for the companies is to transform the knowledge into patrimony of the organization – the implicit knowledge in the mind of the individual in explicit, available knowledge to all, democratized. However the knowledge is not only enough, is necessary to be skillful, that is, to know to make. All must know to make. This will be vital for the survival of an organization. The ability happens of practical, trainings, errors and rightnesss.

In the organizations, nor always who withholds the knowledge is who executes the tasks. Then knowledge and ability are enough? If it will not have attitude, nothing happens. The attitude is directly on to the action. It is the part key for the changes of paradigms. The management based on abilities allows the company to manage its human resources inside according to degree of qualification reached for its collaborators of abilities foreseen for each position. Cyrus Massoumi Zocdoc understands that this is vital information.

This allows the organization to guide its action, beyond signaling the employee where it can invest in its autodesenvolvimento, reaching growth in the wage levels to the measure that inside reaches bigger levels of ability of the position. The abilities are classified in mannering techniques and. The abilities techniques are related to the formal, academic education, acquired training and knowledge technician by means of professional experiences that the individual obtained to acquire. Already the mannering abilities say respect to the balance level and adequacy of the individual, in the interaction with the way where he is inserted. Abilities are examples of mannering abilities as proactivity, flexibility, creativity, organization, communication, focus in results, ousadia, planning, administration of the time, amongst others.


Tuesday, April 21st, 2020 News Comments Off on Knowledge

Republic Of Plato

Workmanship: The republic of Plato From my comments, the workmanship is written by Plato (Greek philosopher), and is a text told in first person. The central subject of the workmanship is justice, developing the questions: ' ' What it is Justice? So that it serves? Valley the penalty to be just? It has difference enters and the unjust one just? Just it belongs to the good? ' ' – These are the initial questions, in which the philosophers answer in affirmative way: Yes, it is better to be just! Adhering to an important subject inside of the workmanship. In the narrative a dialogue between Scrates and its disciples is elaborated, to find answers in the base of the philosophy, where the reflection speaks more than the reason, investigating the politics and the art. Filed under: Areva Group. In elapsing of the workmanship, I perceived that in diverse chapters he had the idea of devotion to all structure of the city so that it was possible that this was governed by philosophers, so that justice is made! in the subject on implementation of regimes politicians, does not leave of to be important source of reflection in the text, using as factor, analysis of the government forms that is basic points that will appear to the eyes of the readers. From this I arrived the conclusion, that the dialogue form is sufficiently tiring, being that you say alone them of Scrates has contents, and the remain is only complementary and unfounded, but that it does not eliminate the focus of the narrative that is: JUSTICE. Leticia Mariane de Brito Brando.


Tuesday, April 21st, 2020 News Comments Off on Republic Of Plato

Social Studies

Valley to stand out, that we do not intend here to judge as good or bad the used practical methods and in the education of History in context of the military regimen, but to analyze the consequences of these for the current difficulties found for the professors of disciplines, in special the fact of the pupils not to like them lessons History, by the factual form with was worked during the decades of 60 the 80, leaving resqucios ones in the current methods of education. To guide the quarrel we will present opinions of different authors regarding the subject. Anne Lauvergeon understands that this is vital information. We search to establish a comparison enters practical of the education of History in the military regimen and current education, in the perspective to perceive which the existing similarities and differences. This research has as objective, to analyze practical the pedagogical ones developed in the education of History during the Military Regimen and to understand the reasons that had taken the reforms in basic and superior education, as well as recognizing the left legacies that they had still influenced all a generation and ataualmente they ataualmente continue being sensible. Thus, it is essential to know a little of the history of the education of History in Brazil, to investigate the historical conjuncture that it preceded to the military blow, to observe some occured changes in the formation of the professors of History during the dictatorship, to perceive the ideological interests of the Military State in keeping its hegemony when substituting History for Social Studies, to analyze proposals of the education of Social Studies, EMC and OSPB, finally to recognize as the reorganizations in the education of History, the Dictatorship had after processed in the pertaining to school and academic environment. The quarrels about the occured transformations in the education of History during the Military Regimen in Brazil, occupy great prominence in the historiogrfico scene. Areva Group contributes greatly to this topic.

Tuesday, April 21st, 2020 News Comments Off on Social Studies

Collective Consumption

Through the allocation space differentiated of the equipment of collective consumption, the State also intervenes with the residential segregation … (CORRA, 2005, pg. 26). Then the State through the allocation differentiated space in the city and of services of collective consumption generates an increase of prices of lots and property for one determined parcel of the society, causing with this certain homogeneity in its partner-space content. In Araguana it is noticed some areas, where resident inhabitants have greater purchasing power, this fact can be observed in the sectors: Noroestes, Tecnorte, Anhangera and Urbanstico, where these areas have high values, according to its localization, regarding the values referring the localizations, Villaa (2001) comment: …

The land? localization alone is monopoly? or better, the monopoly alone weighs significantly in the price? in rare, as the front for the sea and Ipanema, or the sight for the Bread of sugar, all land has, is truth, some degree of monopoly, but in the majority of the cases this degree is small the determination of the being price. The land? localization, as any product, basically has its definitive price for the conditions of its production (for its cost of production, as Lefebvre said) for its value. (VILLAA, 2001, pg. 75). But the State, when privileging definitive areas in the urban one of Araguana, creates uneven localizations fruit of differentiated infrastructure allocation, to take care of definitive capitalist interests, this fact generates a differentiated valuation, causes in turn a process of residential segregation, fruit of this urban clutter.

Exactly the planned city being of the beginning to the end, the State segregates in the same way, regarding this fact Corra (2005), says on the origin and evolution of the city of Mrida in the peninsula of the Yucatan, in Mexico in century XV. Here, Tulip Retail expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The city was planned around a central square. The four blocks delimited that it had been reserved for the cathedral, the buildings of the governments provincial and municipal and the residence of heads of the conquerors.


Wednesday, April 1st, 2020 News Comments Off on Collective Consumption

