Economic Development Region Alexey Korshunov

Petersburg. Projects hotel and shopping complex "Russia" neighborhood "Urvantseva", "Pure ponds", "Khlynovsky Chamber" and plywood mill were presented to participants of the forum. Among the specially invited guests were Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov, Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin and future president of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, who as and other participants of the exhibition with great interest the Kirov came to the booth and asked questions. After three months of Vyatka businessmen together with representatives of the Kirov authorities successfully presented the draft trade and hotel complex "Russia" in the International Investment Forum PROEstate-2007, which also took place in St. Petersburg. "Real estate – one of those areas of the economy of the region that have excellent prospects in including in terms of attracting investment in the Vyatka region, – said at the time head of the Department of Economic Development Region Alexey Korshunov. – For example, we have so far little used tourist potential. At the same time for his activation is necessary to expand the network of real estate (hotels, hotels, entertainment venues).

" Their investment projects on the forum were more than 1,000 companies in Western and Eastern Europe, China … Kirov not blundered. And in April 2008goda project "Russia" was known to Muscovites. It was in Moscow at the 5th international exhibition "MALL" were obtained by arrangement with two potential investors. They expressed interest in building shopping center at the corner of Vorovsky and Ulyanovsk. Thus, the project became widely known. Step forward, toward serious investors have been made.

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Sunday, December 11th, 2011 News

