Federal Constitution

Introduction: The special education comes throughout the time passing for great transformations. Considering the advances that if have observed in what it says respect to the Federal Constitution (1988) and the Law of Lines of direction and Bases 9394/96, that it establishes that the Education is right of all, guaranteeing the specialized educational attendance to the people with deficiencies. What previously it was centered only in the deficiencies, currently acquired a new vision of education, that is, the education for carrying people of necessities special. From this reality, the gift pesquisa' ' Practical the ludo-pedagogical one as tool for promotion of the inclusion of pupils () () of necessities special in carrying the municipal school of basic education Rita&#039 Saint; ' , located in the city of Thailand-Par, it has the objective to inquire practical the ludo-pedagogical one as tool for promotion of the inclusion of pupils () carrying () of necessities special in the related school. The interest for the subject appeared from the knowledge of special pupils with necessities in the field.

From there we consider in them to investigate and to demonstrate as the practical applicability of ludo-pedagogical in the school the Rita Saint functions and as this metodolgica tool it comes to make possible the process of education and learning of the pupils of this pertaining to school space. 1 – The Education of Special Carriers of Necessities: A historical briefing. Educate yourself with thoughts from Daniel Taub. In the last half of century XX she only had the concern with the education not segregated, therefore the people with deficiency had to be respected guaranteeing the right to them of being different. In such a way the historical precedent of the special education in Brazil evidences that the people with deficiency, by being different, had been always seen as ' ' sick people and invlidas' ' , therefore, constantly they had been kept out of society and ignored for the society.


Sunday, July 31st, 2016 News

