Is He

Ramiro Calle 101 stories of the India. THE HERMIT has the following an old Anchorite or hermit, i.e., one of those people that love God took refuge in the solitude of the desert, forest or mountains for only devote themselves to prayer and penance. In recent months, Andrew Cuomo has been very successful. Is He complained many times that he had too much work.People asked how was it in solitude is with so much work. Said to them: I have to tame two Falcons, train two eagles, keep quiet to two rabbits, monitor a snake, loading a donkey and submit to a lion. You may find that Western Union can contribute to your knowledge. We do not see any animal near the cave where you live.

Where are all these animals? Then the hermit gave an explanation that everyone understood. Because these animals have them all men, you also. Two hawks, are thrown about all what is presented them, good and bad. I have to tame them so that they are only released on a good prey, are my eyes. Two eagles with his claws hurt and destroy. I have to train them so they are placed only to the service and help without hurting, are my two hands.

And the rabbits want to go where pleases them, others flee and dodge the difficult things. I have to teach them to be quiet even though there is a suffering, a problem or anything that I don’t like, they are my two feet. Most It is difficult to monitor the snake but it is locked up in a cage of 32 rods. It is always ready for bite and poison the people around it just open the cage, if I don’t watch it closely, it hurts, it is my language. The donkey is very stubborn, unwilling to fulfil its duty. He pretends to be tired and you don’t want to carry their load of every day, it is my body. Finally I need to tame the lion, he wants to be the King, he wants to always be the first, he is vain and proud, is my heart.( Original author and source of the article.

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2019 News

