National Association

In the Bank of Brazil, the reductions go to invigorate from monday (15 of June) and the reduction is intent in the credit the physical people. The reductions of the taxes of interests following the cuts in the Selic have been one practical one made for the five bigger Brazilian banks throughout the year. Since January, Bank of Brazil, Box, Ita-Unibanco, Bradesco and Santander had folloied the four reductions of the Selic and had announced cuts in interests of the consumer credit. Beyond moving in the taxes, the banks had extended the stated period for financing of vehicles for 72 months. In the case of the Bradesco the financing was extended for 80 months. The Bank of Brazil also extended the limit of credit for the natural person in the May end.

Already Santander extended the stated period for consigned loans for 72 months. Simulation made for the National Association of the Executives of Finances, Administration and Accounting (Anefac) confirms that the reduction of the Selic has modest effect on the consumer credit. The average tax of the loans in banks and financiers, until yesterday of monthly 7,33% (133.7% to the year), passes 7.25% (131.62%), a 1,09% jib. The biggest fall, according to Anefac, will be given in the CDC, of 2,88% to the month (annual 40.6%), for 2,80% (39.29%), a 2,78% jib. In the case of the credit cards, champions of the high interest in the country, the average tax withdraws of monthly 10,68% (237.9% to the year), for 10,60% (235%).


Friday, August 19th, 2016 News

