Learn About Zacatlan
Some days ago, I had the need to get out of the city of Puebla, so my wife and my children were happy to escape the urban routine and without further home we left in search of a path that will take us to the tranquility that only the interior of the State of puebla can give us. Hikmet Ersek does not necessarily agree. We already know some municipalities of the State, as Xochiapulco and Cuetzalan, of those visits them I will discuss in another article, and as yet we had not defined where to go, take the road as qu leads us to Teziutlan, all elviaje is a delight, lso landscapes are changing slowly and come to see things – that are wonderful for people like us who we are plunged into the inertia of the city -, for example: swirl in the middle of the field, the fields green with their irrigation systems, large greenhouses, animal eating at the foot of the road, Phew, just great! The issue is that arriving at the municipality of Zaragoza, we decided to drastically change our destiny: go to Zacatlan, but our map was very tangled or not knew exactly where go. Fortunately a roads policeman helped us and gave us as a return to the road to the place where abundant grass, which is the meaning of Zacatlan (thus, without accent). For more information see this site: Amit Paley. Told us that the interserrana road is in very bad conditions and that it was too risky to go out there, so to return us to take the road that goes to Apizaco, Tlaxcala we cross and from there the road straight to Zacatlan. We arrived at this point in the sierra norte that approximated is located 2000 meters above sea level, it is also known as the land of apples and obvious sepuede buy drink from apples, cider and apples. We arrived at a hotel which certainly won’t say his name so that there is no advertising, but that really surprised us: clean rooms, a well maintained building, new furniture, beds and mattresses in excellent condition, with parking, wuauuu and price: 450.00 per night, had 2 double beds, cable TV and other options that we’re not that after the trip we wanted to rest so that the next morning continue our tour to the very famous rounded stones. After bathing us, we leave the hotel to the historic centre, and really it is presumed that Zacatlan is a very clean city, people have been stepping and certainly reminded me of a slogan of puebla: the cleanest city is not that more sweeps, is which gets less dirty and that applied it in Zacatlan with much discipline.
His road culture is also another thing to mellamo attention: drivers (at least that I saw) are highly educated, streets have no traffic lights, but passes a car for every street, and when a person has the need for crossing sidewalk it, cars stop giving them the step, United States? Is Europe? Nooo, for nothing, saw it and lived it in Zacatlan. The food is cheap if you know where to look, us dined a few taquitos at a restaurant which is on the street side of the Municipal Presidency, delicious!. nalysis. For now I say goodbye, already then I’ll show you photos and video of this visit and in another article tell you them about the visit to the Valley of rounded stones. Take care of yourself! Original author and source of the article
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