The Right

They come trying to change the reality, and for this she is necessary to understand the world, to analyze to modify, is necessary to know the MST, mainly in the form to know, to search and to fight so that these transformations appeared in the Brazilian territory, ' ' Since 1985, they use as strategy the land occupations without use, you publish or private as form to make to fulfill art. 184 of the Magna&#039 Letter; ' (GUIOMAR, 1993, p.19) According to Bernardo ' ' The development of the capitalism of different form, hindering the access the land that searched a way of subsistence, mainly for an agrarian capitalism that it hinders, segregates and is in some and not few violent moments. With the expansion of the capitalism in the field and, consequentemente, with the subjection of the income of the land to the capital, the fight for the land is, more nothing, a fight against the essence of the capital: the expropriation and the exploration. (MANANO, 1997, p.11) and this different form in the field has generated many conflicts, appears in the form of fight nestings one form to pressure and to make with that the government implements of form sucinta the agrarian reform, but one reform that really arrives at the families of the ones without land, and not with the petty politics, where the great ones benefited are detainers of privileges and capital we would be there in sending for Brazil the Republic or Colonial, with the right-hander of ownership or even though with ' ' Law of Terra' ' , at last the nestings modify the spaces in the measure that in these socioespaciais transformations occur, where new relations are lived deeply, producing new possibilities and developing its potentialities in what the land is mentioned. Then we can say that the without-land is desterritorializados individuals that find its identity in the MST, and tries to create a new world with inclusion possibilities, being given possibility to return the land where if they had reproduced as social agents and directing always for the way of subsistence through proper land.


Thursday, December 6th, 2012 News

