The School

As well as Aguilar quotation (1997) apud Betini (2005), the construction of the PPP if bases on the analysis of the constituent elements that basically are pointed as: purposes of the school, organizacional structure, resume, pertaining to school time, process of decision, relations of work and evaluation. 1) Purposes of the school? this element takes the educators to reflect on the educative action of the school, that is, the intended and longed for purpose: that society we want to construct? The manager as mediating in the construction of the Project, must generate questions, answers and new investigations, comings of the actors of the school, with the purpose to identify which need to be strengthened, which the ones that are relegated, as they could be detailed in level of areas, of the different ones you discipline curricular and of the content programmarian. The school must reflect on its educative scienter, emphasizing the responsibility of all, the individualism of the liberal position, disposal of fights of the people for causes that they judge correct and jousts, envolvement and solidarity. To have autonomy to execute the PPP and evaluates it assuming a new attitude of leadership (Aguilar, 1997 apud Betini, 2005). 2) Organizacional structure? the school makes use of two basic types of structures: administrative and pedagogical.

The first one assures the location and the management of human resources, physical and financial. Second it determines the administrative case, organizing the educative functions so that the school reaches of efficient and efficient form its purposes (Alves, 1992 apud Fertile valleys, 2002). 3) Resume? resume is an element of production, transmission and assimilation of the knowledge and composes a methodology of collective construction of the school. The organization of the pertaining to school knowledge is mentioned to it. The resume passes ideology, and the necessary school to identify and to desvelar the ideological components of the pertaining to school knowledge that the ruling class uses for the maintenance of privileges.


Friday, June 5th, 2020 News

