Castilian Word

1) Anaxagoras says nothing begets nor destroyed this postulate is more clear, and from this we can deduce the energy not be begets nor destroyed transforms this conception in matter accepts all kinds of changes, by which Anaxagoras confirms us that everything changes but only in search of the order. And this order is guided by intelligence which gives animation to matter. Perhaps an intelligence or universal consciousness. . (2) the spirit, the mind and intelligence are the principles that eliminate chaos. The spirit possess a high number of conceptions, deal with some definitions, in order to get an idea more clear and precise.

Knowing discern, that is what could culminate with chaos. As we know, young philosophers and physicists. The first time that in philosophy is esboso the concept of spirit was in Greek Antiquity to present the concepts of nous. As a material reality than reality, a thinking principle whose meaning sometimes has been considered similar to the alma Psyche which is, strictly speaking a vivifying principle; If same Pneuma, top principle to the organic, as it transcends it, has resulted in many occasions by spirit. In latin of where comes effectively the Castilian Word spirit spirits equal to blow. Breath is designated an intangible entity endowed with reason.

Spirit in any case has been understood in very different ways, but in all ways always to indicate anything that transcends the purely vital or organic. Among the Scholastics, the term spirit was used to designate the immaterial substance. The concept of spirit (GEIST) reached its great development in the thesis of hegel, for whom the spirit is a concrete and living reality whose abstract aspect is the idea in German idealism. It is a partial truth that need to complete to become the truth of everything. Because absorbed the error in a manner that in some ways philosophy is the philosophy of the spirit.

Sunday, February 16th, 2014 News

