Health Ministry

But received a reply in which the Health Ministry does not share their concern. And until the end of the year Government promises to decide the fate of this bill. Is there a cure for the crisis? So, the picture is rosy future farmriteyla gradually dims. According to retail audit dsm Group, in August 2009, the commercial market fpp (Finished pharmaceuticals) fell by 1,9% compared with July 2009. " In physical terms, in August it reached 282 million package, which is 2.4% lower than in July 2009 and 14% lower than in August of 2008.

For seven months a decrease consumption by 7,7%. Such dynamics clearly shows the impact of the crisis on the consumer. "The retail market, in our view, will soon become the most problematic segment, – said Director of Marketing Research Pharmexpert David Melik-Guseinov, – its growth rate from year to year fluctuated in the range of 18-27%. Such rapid development provoked by the constant increase of prices for medicines, as well as the shifting population more expensive drugs. As a result of crisis consumers are not rushing to buy expensive drugs, and the price factor will come under tighter government control, the retail market is deprived of the main drivers. Uniform pricing principle either cut prices or they will fix. According to forecasts, in 2009 the drug market in value terms increased by 25%.

Earlier this year the growth rate exceeded 30%, but in August it slowed down to 20%. And at the end of the year expected an interesting situation. Since the natural consumption of pharmaceuticals is not increased, and prices also significantly slowed its growth (from May to September can be traced even reduce them), then in December 2009, for the first time history of the Russian pharmaceutical market since 1991, we can observe a negative trend in sales. " Sorry, but there are no miracles, and pharmacy networks failed to emerge from the crisis undefeated. Although less easy – after all not the most catastrophic decline. Importantly, it is not the most beautiful way – rising prices – but the Russian pharmaceuticals attracted the attention of the authorities. Let the bills are not like them all, and plans (eg, "Development Strategy industry for the period up to 2020 "(" Pharma 2020 "), approved in late October), many experts estimate that as utopian. Importantly, the crisis showed that engage in manufacturing and selling medicines beneficial. In Russia, however, with her worn-out production capacity and wasted research and experimental base for the recovery of spaces are very wide. Therefore, any steps towards the Russian pharmaceutical industry by the state and Investors should help to become a domestic manufacturer, if not ahead of the rest, then at least more or less competitive in their own domestic market. On materials personnel center "UNITY"


Saturday, October 12th, 2019 News

