Preconditions Of The Great French Revolution

In France, until the last quarter of the XVIII century. If you would like to know more then you should visit Western Union. dominated by absolutism, which is based on feudal relations. But in the depths of the feudal system gradually began to emerge and evolve bourgeois relations, which have become arisen due to the industrial revolution. University of Houston spoke with conviction. Evidence of this increased importance of manufactures in the country's economy. And some were quite large manufactories. Thus, the manufactory in the town of Le Creusot produce up to 45% of the metal produced in the country. In Paris, which was the largest craft center, producing textiles, furniture, shoes and metal products involved in about 294 thousand people.

Of these, 65% worked for owners of factories. In the north of France, the big development was the cotton manufacture. Here only in the area of Rouen on businesses employing more than 190 thousand weavers. The development of manufactures has increased the production of industrial goods, which contributed to a significant increase of French exports. During the period from 1716 to 1784 the export of manufactured goods increased more than threefold. Bourgeois society and penetrated into the rural economy of the country. In some provinces, there has been a property differentiation of the peasantry and the emergence of rich peasants who have to resort to wage labor of the landless laborers. Development of manufactories penetrated into the village, where she spread the so-called Broken Manufactory.

The peasants harvested for buyers, manufaktov yarn, combed cotton, etc. Thus, the capitalist system is firmly established in France. However, its further development was impossible in the conditions prevailing in the country absolutist feudal system which made it difficult, and often makes it impossible to do business activity of the bourgeoisie.

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