Pupil Evaluation

Hoffmann (2003) clarifies that many conscientious masters of the referring problem to the avaliativa form, criticizes such method, however in practical its as classroom regent exerts an improvised and arbitrary avaliativa action. This contradiction happens because the models and methodologies applied in the evaluation are not genuinely Brazilian. Therefore, the educators must understand that the evaluation is the reflection transformed into action. Therefore they need to follow the steps of educating in the trajectory of the construction of knowing, looking for to reflect why the pupil thinks thus of this or of that form. from reformulating questions based on the learning of each learning there. Hoffmann (2003) in the alert one that all professor must constantly evaluate the educative action in the indagativo and investigativo direction, following all the steps of the pupil in walked its of construction of the knowledge. students receive the concepts or notes without questionings, not allowing that educandos and educators have a relation of interaction from the joint reflection. As educators we must understand the difficulties of the pupils, taking them to reflect it on the world and conduziz them it the reconstruction of a bigger number of truths.

Initial regents of the infantile education and series, in its majority, feel difficulties in giving notes because they day-by-day follow the development of the educandos. From the moment that we evaluate we act as in an act politician, exactly when we do not intend it. The evaluation as practical routine and classificatria is understood as judgment of results. Considering the mediating attitude of the evaluation, the learning of the pupil, as much in the writing how much in the orality, if it has constituted the primordial concern of the educator. The success or the failure of the learning is visible by means of the valuation or indifference that the school has with the society. To the times what it predominates in the pertaining to school environment they are the methods perverse and exculpatory avaliativos.


Wednesday, November 29th, 2017 News

