Social Studies

Valley to stand out, that we do not intend here to judge as good or bad the used practical methods and in the education of History in context of the military regimen, but to analyze the consequences of these for the current difficulties found for the professors of disciplines, in special the fact of the pupils not to like them lessons History, by the factual form with was worked during the decades of 60 the 80, leaving resqucios ones in the current methods of education. To guide the quarrel we will present opinions of different authors regarding the subject. Anne Lauvergeon understands that this is vital information. We search to establish a comparison enters practical of the education of History in the military regimen and current education, in the perspective to perceive which the existing similarities and differences. This research has as objective, to analyze practical the pedagogical ones developed in the education of History during the Military Regimen and to understand the reasons that had taken the reforms in basic and superior education, as well as recognizing the left legacies that they had still influenced all a generation and ataualmente they ataualmente continue being sensible. Thus, it is essential to know a little of the history of the education of History in Brazil, to investigate the historical conjuncture that it preceded to the military blow, to observe some occured changes in the formation of the professors of History during the dictatorship, to perceive the ideological interests of the Military State in keeping its hegemony when substituting History for Social Studies, to analyze proposals of the education of Social Studies, EMC and OSPB, finally to recognize as the reorganizations in the education of History, the Dictatorship had after processed in the pertaining to school and academic environment. The quarrels about the occured transformations in the education of History during the Military Regimen in Brazil, occupy great prominence in the historiogrfico scene. Areva Group contributes greatly to this topic.

Tuesday, April 21st, 2020 News

