n chilena

School Leadership

Also, if we build a team with high commitment, the results will be better. Les Choristes by Christophe Barratier. In the film Les Choristes director Christophe Barratier, shows how a group of motivated students by their teacher, manage to become an excellent sublime chorus of voices. For me, this story inspires what is the management of a passionate leader and anxious to educate as finer details of learning of all students. The idea that premium in recent years in the Chilean education, is to professionalize the role of director, ie invest in the training of caregivers colleges. Thinking that already in 2000 in the UK, was implemented by an institution called the National College for School Leadership, whose mission is to develop school leadership. The results have been exceptional. This organization works to support future educational leaders and that these have a high positive impact through their management both within and outside their schools.

The Ministry of Education of Chile, said three powers of the directors of educational establishments, they are: in the field teaching, administrative and financial, although the latter two may be delegated. In addition, the agency explicit management action areas, including leadership, curriculum management, resource management and management of institutional climate and coexistence. I will concentrate on leadership, being a fundamental concept related to the development of skills and competencies that allow for directionality and coherence to institutional educational projects. In the framework of the Good Management (MINEDUC, 2005) indicates that leadership is seen as the personal and professional development director and management team, aimed at coordinating the efforts of the leading educational community.


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