The Economy Generates The Crime

The economy generates the crime, therefore the economic power for ambitious persons for outrem needy; how to fight the first violence without giving a minimum wage that makes a competent person of if feeling a human being? Why a minimum wage not to saciar the hunger of all, without if vender to the world of the crime, without if vender for a food plate the family. Brazil, however only has to lose. A so rich country, but at the same time so poor; how to justify this? In the Federal Constitution, right equal for all, without sort distinction, but he will be same that she is being fulfilled? Or simply hidden underneath of the carpet of the State. As a country that possesss a tax of so great taxes, to guarantee a society ' ' in paz' ' , it leaves people in a critical state as the street inhabitants, inhabitants of slum quarters. He will be that the inhabitants of the northeast state are certain to have at least ten children to help them to place a beans to the table, or the State, forgets them? Therefore each time more the crime if spreads over Brazil and even though for the world. The state of So Paulo and Rio De Janeiro, for example, if finds in a critical point of civil war, however aged children, young and if become each time more victims of the crime. Then, who is with the reason? The State, not to fulfill with its obligations or the crime, to steal for financial difficulties? At last, the State if hides day yes day and the crime day the day in the TVs, magazines and periodicals, printed all viewing not to see it and if to shock. It will be that the State will pay not to have more crime being that it commits also it? Which the solution? Perhaps never it has; or we will live with it as it happens, or one day we can walk in the streets without if worrying about stock markets, clocks, and mainly the life..


Sunday, January 20th, 2019 News

