The Government Destroys The Workplaces In The Great Style!

Direct candidate for the parliamentary elections on 27 September 2009, rough in the constituency 177 betting! What could be the reason? What could be the reason? (Work is not valid suddenly any more than work but as jobs, for which no money must be paid.) So work carries out and gets by the no more ALG II (but only the normal rate despite work), participants in these courses, however, the businessman of these measures accounts for a certain hour rate among his customers have to. 1 euro casual workers so must carry out these activities hour Council are billed for among the customers of up to 18 euros here! So that but the suppliers of these courses do not get at least 500 euros per participant and month enough either. Here the regular work is undercut and destroys workplaces! Which pay the standard are driven into the ruin venture enterprises and pay companies want the always some or nothing subsidized! The temporary work so plays a large role. The wages are unconstitutionally 30-40% below the basic wage here. The rule is pays and firing in this line of business.

(To the AGG the same wage applies) to the same work the employees are still more favourable like workforce and earn less. Thesis your dare persons must increase, which pays citizens and the enterprises make the profit. Valued with 700,000 employees in the temporary work and 1.5 million in the measures they see a gigantic potential! There himself is, argued so about the minimum wage the state does not want which there again and again because the people then must work no longer free of charge be laws which forces to go through these activities for the citizens. This is the free fall of the payment to below. Wanted by the government; The citizens shall work for less always longer.

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Wednesday, August 10th, 2016 News

