Archive for September, 2013
Ultrasonic Liposuction
The sound waves are able to modify the organizational structure when they are transmitted through fluids. On the basis of this concept was used for the first time, ultrasound, in cataract surgery in the mid-1960s, with the introduction of the phacoemulsification. This is how its use is has spread to various branches of surgery when the goal has been the selective destruction of unwanted tissues. The Italian physician, Michele Zocchi in 1988, was the first plastic surgeon who applied the ultrasonic waves to selectively destroy fat cells of the body, its formidable results have encouraged investigations around the world which continue, hence its technology and know-how to suffer transformations and new concepts and directions appear. To make a sound wave, which is mechanical energy, ultrasonic is necessary that its frequency is above 16000 kHz, in plastic surgery this is generated from crystals that possess the ability to piezoelectric or are able to deform with AC power, these fluctuations of deformation produced vibrations at ultrasonic frequency the same as amplified it channeled them is through a cannula inserted between fat cells destabilize them causing rupture of their cell membrane, releasing its contents, the same that sucks it at low pressure through a cannula. Thus ultrasound is used to sculpt the body. The best candidates for liposuction assisted with ultrasound (LAU) are the same for liposculpture assisted by suction (SAL), which are patients with normal weight, elastic skin and fat accumulation that do not disappear with nor with the gym or with diets. Choosing the ideal method to perform liposuction depends on the experiences and training of the surgeon, both techniques both the assisted by suction salt (conventional) as the assisted by ultrasound LAU possess advantages some above others and specific indications that to some extent make them complementary, ultimately your surgeon will choose the most suitable for your particular case.
On the other hand liposculpture not recommended it to patients with systemic, cardiac, pulmonary disease, diabetes, and degenerative diseases. The specific complication by the use of ultrasound is the local skin burn, complication that avoided if the plastic surgeon is well trained in its use. Finally, liposculpture is a simple surgical procedure, aimed at patients who have decided to change his lifestyle one more healthy and disciplined hence need to exist the, prior commitment, on the part of the patient care results performing exercises and diet. DRA. Monica Espinoza.
Wedding Dresses
Fashion designers like them to show their designs in the best possible way in order to sell more parts, since they can or to build the best possible reputation. That is obvious and in order to do that choose the most beautiful women that can pay as models. People tend to think that they are at their most beautiful when they are at their ideal weight, so that the majority of designers finished design for beautiful, thin, young, women who do not adapt to a lot of people. One of the consequences of this is that a substantial other women of size number are left with few options when it comes to clothes in the latest styles. It is a fact that there are choices now more than ever, but it remains an option much less than women have more thin. This is true for the full gambit of more casual swimwear garments the more formal mother of the Bride dresses. Everyone wants to look good at the beach and everyone wants to look good at the wedding of his daughter. It can be a difficult, but it is not impossible at all.
It is vitally important to find designers who understand the fuller figure and that bits of cover and which bits to highlight. If this balance were made well, both for good design and intelligent use of fabric, you will be and feel very well on formal occasions like weddings. However, it is also a fact of 2012 of bathing wedding dresses. It is of vital importance for have much time to find the proper clothing. You can count on a very good woman luck if you live in a place where you can walk into a store and find exactly what you like a woman with a fuller figure.
If you find the places that sell the type of items that you like, take note and save information from jealousy, because you have found a nugget of truth. Due to the variety of shops and designers decent for large size women is so limited, it means that the prices will be much higher. However, it is expected that anyway. If you are often invited to weddings and other formal occasions, it is worthwhile to invest in some sets that can be mixed and combined. Costumes can match each other, so you can use the top one with the bottom of others, and then camouflage themselves with new accessories to make it less evident, so that your wardrobe is limited. It is not good to bankruptcy, if you only need a little bit of consideration and patience to find bits and pieces right. That’s why it takes time. If the wedding is likely to come from your daughter, tell him you want a lot of notice, but if you can see the times that on the horizon, start preparing for them now. If you are very short of money, some catalogues offer decent selections and decent conditions, but some shops also do today.
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