Archive for March, 2019
This Is 2010 Hartz4 In Germany!
Shame for Germany 2009 hartz4 children planners: SPD, green author: Peter Hartz, a today because of infidelity of whereupon ex VW Board of Directors. The came: Union, FDP and trade unions. \”Victims: millions of people driven into complete poverty stigmatized, hopeless and still the harassment of the diligent\” delivered ARGE-staff. : Action also abuse Grundrechtswidrig be benefits for lack of good behavior shortened or completely failed. About 789.000 sanctions were issued in 2008. This means for whole families, hunger and cold, eviction from the apartment, blocking the supply of electricity and healthcare under not foreseeable consequences.
The goal: to allow improved access to the labour people, terrific was missed. Hartz IV means the State-imposed poverty, from which there is virtually no escape. A life far below the poverty line, which was after the latest evaluations in 2007 at 913 euro (EU-SILC). Hartz IV means exclusion from any cultural participation, as well as defacto Government blocked of any access to education for children and adults. The sanctions and the construction of so-called need communities lead to the guilt. The excerpt on the home will not be under threat of withdrawal of performance young people under 25 years of age. Performance-related are pushed to live with everyday, so-called Sofortangeboten, from the benefits. Social detectives sniff ruthlessly in privacy.
Abuse allegations include the ALT tag and are by law and also with the compliant mainstream media campaigns (RTL, SAT 1,…) fueled regularly to the political landscape. The Division of society is progressing rapidly. With Hartz IV is not only promoting the dumping-wage sector progressed inexorably, it has introduced him systematically so, as Wolfgang Clement considered it his temporary employment company jewel. Create the rules of the reasonableness and the reason illegal sanctions both on the performance be dragging ends, as well as the more regular employed person great pressure to take every matter how miserable job or keep.
Surround Sound In Custom-made Discretion
Hearing ReSound live well with external mic ReSound hearing aid manufacturer expands its direction pointing hearing family ReSound live to more attractive offers. The new Hannah solutions that combine best speech understanding with excellent spatial hearing, are now available in two variants with paged microphone. ReSound live, introduced late last year in the German market, in particular impresses with its innovative surround sound, which gives people with a hearing loss the ability to be middle of the life. A series of scientific tests prove that the now featured custom-made solutions are conventional In the ear products not only in blatantly superior when it comes to sound and speech understanding, but also by its discreet design. The natural shape of our ear is exactly as designed in such a way that it promotes the understanding of spoken words”, so Dieter Fricke, Director of product management of the GN HEA-ring GmbH. thanks to intensive research is now able to exploit this fact for our latest hearing solutions consistently.
When the two new ReSound live hearing the microphone is placed discreetly in the Cymba. This guarantees a very natural listening experience. Because when compared to conventional IdO products this hearing a clear increase in directionality their carriers.” This is confirmed by a recent study. Sound detection tests compared traditional, high-quality sound systems with the new generation of hearing system with paged microphone. The latter could localize sounds with much greater precision. The perceived voice frequency range increased by 2 to 3 decibels. The speech grew 30 percent. Especially in conversations with several people, the carriers benefit from the innovative concept.
Also they are experiencing significant advantages in any wind noise”adds Dieter Fricke. Through the protected seat of the microphone this noise without additional signal processing are minimized. In our research 97 percent of the test subjects no longer felt affected by the wind.” Significantly smaller than traditional IM ear products ReSound live family ReSound live with paged microphone feature not only by speech intelligibility as well as natural sound experiences in surround sound but the new solutions. These bespoke systems are also significantly smaller than traditional IM ear products thanks to the outsourced microphone. The discrete case, which fits a size 312 battery, disappear almost invisibly in the ear canal. On request you can also with a particularly large ventilation hole for an open”care are provided. Live are suitable ReSound with an external microphone for first-time users as well as for wearers who want better sound quality and a more discreet appearance. Benefit also hearing reduced people, comparable to small products due to a strong loss of hearing or to more closely Ear canals are not suitable. Thanks to ReSound live nine out of ten people can benefit immediately from the advantages of a supply of external microphone”, so Dieter Fricke concluded. This new generation of individually crafted sound systems is a real innovation. Unse-ren lets partners in the acoustics specialist they provide the optimal listening experience without compromising even more customers.” Editorial Note: as one of the world’s largest hearing aid manufacturer, ReSound is known as technologically leading companies. ReSound aims, to develop products and services and worldwide market, providing hearing care professionals improve the quality of life impaired persons. The ReSound group maintains offices in 21 countries and representatives in over 100 countries and employs presently more than 3,200 people. ReSound Germany is a trademark of GN hearing headquartered in Munster, Germany.
Website Success
Maybe it's not too perfect, and much of it could be changed, but anyway it has led me to goal. I think that to learn about my successes and failures would be very instructive. So, let's go in order. Here's how it was. Step number 1. The first thing I thought about what information will be stored on my site, why it will be stored there, whether it is necessary for people and will be useful.
Honestly, this step was for me the hardest. I thought for a long time that I can and know best. After going through dozens of ideas, I finally found her and now do not regret that stopped on it. This is an important step in building a website and I advise you to decent pay attention to this issue. Step number 2.
Then I made a plan of their actions and figured, what the money amount I need. All this was recorded on a regular paper, regular pen. This stage was very important, plain paper has stimulated me to action. I clearly saw that the steps that I need do and just did. In the end result was not long in coming. Although the original paper in the process has changed dramatically, and not everything that I originally wrote it, it was really necessary, it is our task performed at 100%. Step number 3. Then I had a lot of time "wander" on the Internet and find out what software is needed. Writing a paper on those programs that I need, I went to the store and tried to get them there. Of course, all programs at once is not found, had fairly run. Now when I sit in front of your monitor and write this, I can say with certainty that the list of programs that I then was, was far from complete.
There is a standard business leaders who run them are obsessed with improving the performances of their work to obtain better results for the company. It’s a simple question, not unimportant. This question can be answered only through the study of new techniques of organizational leadership. The tool for this are the leadership books. In it, various specialists from around the world to compare their experience and available to different people who need to implement them as in their own companies and business ventures. A lot of definitions that do not necessarily match each other, are found in the “Leadership is the ability to influence others.” In no way can say that all ends here, with learning suggested here, or that continuous learning and in this area is something that should be discontinued at some point in time. One of the first problems which face decides the path of their own training in organizational leadership is related to the large number of existing offer as in terms of books and authors who write on this subject. Unblocks leaders talked about Michael Maccoby, Hugo Landolfi, David Ulrich, among many others.
Each teacher with his book is a common phrase that can be applied to the act of leading ensenanzar without much difficulty. How do I know which option to take? This is a challenge that we face. And the worst is that sometimes well-known authors have conflicting views on the exact and same subject. For this reason, you should not bet all the chips to business books, but we need training options that will allow us to access a greater diversity of sources of business knowledge. Often noted as a sports leader and leads his team handles can give us more information and education on what leadership can do the best text in leadership. In addition, you should know that periodically the same way in different parts of the country have put together special talks for employers in which are many issues related to organizational leadership, among which you may benefit. Learn not only leadership, but other key disciplines such as interpersonal relationships, some personality psychology and other things like that, it will solidify to you as a leader within your company.
Social Organization
The person who, also, is worried about the politicians who it chose and as she walks suaadministrao, this person exerts the citizenship. Thinking about the past, it was more easy when existiamdisciplinas specific for this, to the forgotten OSPB (Social Organization ePoltica Brazilian) and the EMC (Moral and Civic Education) that: In accordance with the Decree Law 869/68, became obligator in the Brazilian pertaining to school resume from 1969, (…). Both, EMC and OSPB, (…) had been characterized for the transmission of the ideologiado authoritarian regimen when exaltar the nationalism and the patriotism of the pupils to eprivilegiar the education of factual information in detriment of the reflection and daanlise. (MENEZES and SAINTS, 2002). These you discipline had been removed of currculosescolares for being considered ‘ ‘ you discipline of the time of the dictatorship militar’ ‘. Great part of what he was taught in these you discipline had been lost e, umapequena part today fits to the history professor to teach.
At that time it really was for ‘ ‘ transmission daideologia of the regimen autoritrio’ ‘ (MENEZES and SAINTS, 2002), but today we live emuma democracy 4. Oscidados Brazilian is free to choose who is its representatives. Thus, having EMC and OSPB as you discipline pertaining to school, they would be strengthening aformao of our citizens. ‘ ‘ Only fight for what it is respected. Quese is only respected loves. It is only loved what if conhece’ ‘ 5.
The Brazilian identity currently, is focada in icons as the soccer, osamba, ‘ ‘ jeitinho brasileiro’ ‘ , the persistence 6. Lack in the schools a civic culture, as it had behind about twenty years in the lessons Moral and Civic deEducao and Social Organization and Brazilian Politics. Have hasteamento of the National flag and if sang the hymns national, state emunicipal.
Adds Exposito, that is undeniable that technology, for many, represents a threat to its security, which causes discomfort and fear, which translates as technological anxiety. But, despite all that, there are many voices that have highlighted that currently makes little sense to pose the problems of new technologies in the world of work in terms of rejection or acceptance or in those of its convenience or inconvenience, since it is a proven fact that to keep companies in the competitive world is a basic factor application of these technologies. This means that, in these times, should be able to succeed with technology and not a weigh it. 1 Impact on the job and performance: activities have been affected, and tasks that are performed within the Organization (required, among other things, flexibility), thus changing jobs (more autonomy, level of challenge, etc.). Thus, abilities and skills, i.e. the competencies required for these jobs will not be the same, until the physical work environment affected, for good, for those changes. On the other hand appear new modalities of work, as it is the working distance. Obviously these changes lead us to greater productivity obtained by the worker.
2 Impact for psychological well-being and quality of working life: here comes with strength the concept mentioned earlier of technological anxiety. This arises as a result of all the psychological transformations that workers with the introduction, for example, of computing are participants (insecurities, dependencies, ignorance, feeling of) backwardness, among others). However if they analysed the concept of quality of working life, they would understand that there is a contradiction, because the latter is affected, in its generality, in a positive way. This is easy to corroborate with the changes that have been in the conception of the job, as for example the appearance of virtual offices and other many modalities that allow businesses to distance. Also the worker schedules are flexible, allowing, in many cases, work on the houses.
Richard Branson Market
Many managers today focus on brand-stretching. It is one thing to want, and quite another – to implement the plan. Thus the main task facing the head – correctly identify the target audience. Sociologist Irina Denisov suggests ways of selecting, providing examples of successful attempts to move beyond their market products, and recalling the experience of losers. Of course, marketers have convinced consumers that purchase they make on the basis of "Branded" product. But in trying to further advance product by going beyond the market, not every brand is included in the accompanying product proves popular.
History has repeated instances of the failed experiments of brand stretching: this issue of unclaimed beverage Virgin Cola and Virgin Vodka quite successful entrepreneur Richard Branson, and attempt to make the ketchup bottle from the popular McDonalds, and many others experiments, which were based on "unique selling proposition." Until, finally, a new rule of brand stretching – moving beyond the market based on life values. But how to define these values, more precisely – lifetime value of your brand to a potential buyer? One of the reliable options – poll. This is the way to determine the target audience a brand-stretching chose the world-famous engineering firm JCB. Founded in 1945, JCB is still continuing to produce agricultural structures and equipment – tractors, excavators, bulldozers, cranes, etc. JCB has several headquarters in England and is one of the most respected companies in Europe to their profile by selling their wares in 150 countries. This is a truly global brand.
Earn Money
Making money online is possible to earn money on the internet there are many factors critics who make make this goal possible. Factors such as perseverance, patience define a target specific are critical for making money online. However there is a paradigm that making money online is easy, no no no. This is a big mistake because money costs! , go if we find it hard to make money on the internet. Is this Real? All the gurus of the internet business that you see that earn considerable amounts of money, they have not had it easy, they have worked hard to achieve this, they have seriously committed to its objectives have worked hard and have finally managed to make money online. This depends on the degree of commitment we have with our goals, perseverance is a key factor to achieve this. Starting a method to earn money on the internet and not leave it up to get it, this is one of the main problems with which we are faced Internet entrepreneurs. We are always in search of the new method, the new technique to make money, and when already We are working on a method to earn money, appears a new guru with a new method to make money on the internet that promises to make you a millionaire over night, is there where we abandon our entrepreneurship and started another, here is in where it an our success.
Is really difficult to make money? If we started a business we must make effort to finish it or get the full project and then undertake a new one. Always going to be this type of distractions but this us detect which of this are real and which are fake. The other day I saw a website that promised make you a millionaire in 30 minutes, with all due respect there have a strong mental weakness as to believe that we are going to make millionaires in just 30 minutes. I remember long ago I read that when you get to your first million of dollars can you give it, by that one million of dollars is not important if the really important thing is not the person that you’ve become to earn your first million. There are many methods to make money on the internet valid not easy, but tested and tested that they operate. It is capacity of us detect which of these are effective and bring them to practice with perseverance, effort and above all patience.
Positioning Page
The majority of the connections from any type of Web, helps to improve the positioning, but we will comment to them which would be a site that, to find it, would be due to buy a connection, or to look for to make an interchange with him; an ideal connection. Cleaning: The connection will have to be direct, without no type of redirections and No-follow. Thematic: The connection would have to speak on the same thematic one that his and to have contained, unique and original solids. It will have to mention in the text, title and other parts of the page the words that characterize to their site, and which they are those that wishes to position. Transparency: Not to buy or to interchange with sites that use techniques ” badly vistas” by the finders (Spam, cloacking, hidden text, etc).
To always watch the cache of the page, some sites even make cloacking not to show the external liaisons to him Google; to verify that the site of the cache is equal which it is seen in the navigator. Relevance: The site where they will place his connection, or in its defect the dominion, will have to appear in front page of important results for its thematic one. To look for between the first 100 results in Google several important words for its thematic one; if it appears well, in anyone of them, it will be a good site to buy connections. Whichever better it appears, will be better site. Unicity: Sites are due to look for from different classes C from IP, so that its connection has more value.
In order to find out class C of a dominion, it uses this tool: . With this we made sure that the Link will be from an IP that did not connect to us before. Antiquity: He is recommendable to watch in the WHOIS of the site knowing his antiquity, all site with more of a year, already could be recommendable. And at the most old it is, better. (Fast access to the WHOIS: Also the tool Wayback Machine of can be used. Pagerank: The Pagerank can give a fast idea of the importance of a site, but never it is due to use like unique criterion, but it must be accompanied of the considerations before mentioned. Pagerank of 4 in future already is sufficient. Here a tool to verify the PageRank of the sites: To verify that the site has not made a redirection to obtain the PageRank of another site, for it watches the cache of the page, and if the one that appears she is another one, he is not recommendable to buy to him. Statistical data can be considered many other variables, as the design of the site, cleaning of code, the ranking in alexa, be solicitd, among others; but in positioning aspects, these are the main ones. Obvious, after found the site, an agreed text to its thematic one and the words would be due to use in him that wish to position, but in this article we were sent in what site a connection is excellent.
Gregory Wilpert
Also discussed in forums of the Professorship of modern managerial topics, regarding the importance of having good leaders of development, which experience has shown that effective national policies require the personification of a leader, who holds the difficult combination of having self-confidence same and self-control, and be able to instill confidence in which the major national problems can take solutionthat the shortcomings of the past ways of managing public affairs can be overcome, and that all legitimate interests can be heard. Currently that have not been given in the country, otherwise, first note and feels the absence of economic, social, cultural programs ineffective. Little integration organizations, institutions engaged in the development, implementation of programmes, where you see the absence of leadership, of people who emanate trust, commitment to what should do and more when there is an extreme population division, where a vast sector do not agree to the maximum leader who was appointed as its President. Secondly a crisis that attentive manifests substantially with regard to the quality of life of the Venezuelan. The emergence of leaders that will counteract these negative effects that are currently suffering from increasing poverty, misery, hunger, unemployment, discontent and not in sight. All this is unfortunate, because the President can not neglect the great opportunity that has been given and suggest it could reach targets extraordinary, especially in an era which has favored the entrance of favourable ingrfesos by oil prices.
Precisely. discuss in the Forum that the absence of the emergence of leaders, who are true agents of change, who know seize the opportunities of the moment, kept the country in distress and more, when it is known as Gregory Wilpert reminded them that the leak capital has led to the devaluation of the local currency since Venezuela imports almost 80% of its assets, this means that imported goods have become increasingly more expensive. In other words, inflation has become a serious problem. The Dr El Ivan Abreu Sojo of the UCV. about this absence of leadership it tells us, that there is a crucial responsibility of leadership in the current Venezuelan situation, attributing this inability, inconsistency and scant historical sense, focusing on the incompetence of the power function.
There is a collapse of traditional leadership criteria and although not can speak itself that there are no leaders, the criteria that they were using to promote people to leadership already they are not valid, because it changed the historical, social and economic reality. The Venezuelan leadership is in total lack of harmony with society due to their inability to understand the social forces that currently participate in public life and leadership is today illegitimate issued with your example behaviors to follow and their acts and rules established the rules of the game. The leadership had as great fails the fact that human resources from the expansion of educational tuition not acceded to positions of control in society, because the traditional leadership provided no respite, although new generations have not struggled enough or effectively to assume that respite. It will (continue) original author and source of the article.
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