
Braden Magnetic

From where we are in relationship with that source of energy, this has a huge effect on planet Earth. Sometimes we are far beyond and are somehow tilted and the effect is minor. Sometimes we’re closer or we are inclined towards her and the effect is greater.On December 21 of 2012, we have a shot in a straight line – a linear trip, without obstructions caused by any other planet or any other body in the solar system where we have direct access to that field of energy.Do question: However, mean that the magnetic poles are going to change and that we are going to have three days of darkness?Gregg Braden: There is no scientific evidence to support that.Question: I am glad to hear that.Gregg Braden: There has been much speculation about that. The magnetic poles have certainly been invested in the past. I can tell you as a former geologist that we can observe that in the geological record, 14 times in the last 4-1/2 million years ago.Before, each time that the magnetic poles are invested, these had weakened to some extent before the occurrence of the investment. Even though we’ve seen a decrease on the strength of the magnetic field of the earth over the past 100 years approximately, however is much more elevated the measurement you need to revert to the probability of this to happen in the next three years between 2009 and 2012 or until even a year or two later, seems to be a chance of low weight. We have so many other things that worry us.Question: there are new discoveries showing that we can think of time as an essence that continues the same rhythms and cycles that govern everything from particles to galaxies? Can we think of these things that happen in time as places within cycles?Gregg Braden: The basic point is that time is essentially a wave that is moving in one direction.

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Sunday, August 9th, 2020 News Comments Off on Braden Magnetic

Great Dance Ladies

Why the psychologists we resisted to acquire the honoraria to him to our patients? Soon after received a patient enojadsima said to me: You study psychology to cure yourselves and as they do not obtain it, they try to cure to the others If there were counted with twenty-four hours to give an answer him, surely it would not have been me cayado as I remained. It was right! That irritated lady helped me to think that each studies to desangustiar itself. For example, I am convinced that the majority of the doctors is hypochondriac. When somebody does to me a consultation I feel qualified to suppose that I am I heal, that I own the truth, that I know well how he is this to live and other deliriums. If this belief is very strong, we can suppose that in the personal analysis of the psychologist not yet these fantasies worked and for that reason it occurs by sufficiently paid with the consulting attitude of the patient. Indeed, who does a consultation to me and she allows to believe so enormous and rewarding silly thing me, it does not deserve that it receives to him. It is more: it could leave me so contented that I would have desire to pay him. To sum up Wanted psiclogo/a: If you do not know how to receive your patient to him, it is because your natural honesty indicates to you that he is who is giving something you that your you need. When you stop being client of your patients (it rereads this of being client of your patients), you will see how no longer you will have more reason to carry out a so valuable work to the low price of the necessity. I assure it to you!

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Sunday, January 12th, 2020 News Comments Off on Great Dance Ladies

Americans Region

The excuses usually are ingenious, although most frequent it ties to the related touching component to the memories that the familiar automobile generates to them. In Argentina the automobiles usually have a life utility much greater than the observed one in the economies of the first world, so is so, I have a friend who owns a Fiat 600 of the year 1969, that still works and rather well. The certain thing is that after two years of initiate the crisis prevails, the automotive Americans are more than worried about the situation that is lived from the demand of automobiles, since the consumers have decided to extend the time of use of their vehicles (although not to the end of cases like the observed ones in Argentina). For worse, this situation promises to extend more in the time by a few years until the American families reclaim part of the lost wealth during the crisis, wealth that in fact has been transferred from hands of these families towards the shareholders and directors of the financial organizations, reason why the renovation of the American vehicle park will demand more years of the habitual thing. For this reason, the direction of the sector begins to focus in those markets with a great in the future not very distant potential. And between these markets it appears Latin America like potential market (and especially, the Brazilian market).

This situation is a little rare, if it is wanted. The long decades in which the region has been immersed in the poverty it has made of her a little consumer region, which had generated a certain scorn on the part of the great multinational companies. The beginning of 90 generated a small boom of consumption that called a little the attention in the region, although attractive saying went with time vanishing until disappearing towards this decade ends.

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Wednesday, January 8th, 2020 News Comments Off on Americans Region

Juan Carlos

This Ramiro is the one that is ” vigilar”! How could go ahead as much opportunely this iconoclastic Tube? Iconoclastic, literary and suggestive, this admirable ideologist of the town that lives the authenticity in his numerossima family and shares in its life many-colored people who go by hand to their advice, to their worked hospitality, carved hand, sum and follows, to be human to being human, father of its many biological children and so many others, as I myself I can be, nomadic men by the world, men who prevail, which they know to poetizar without verses in this world that good was although we used of him as we must, this world who Pinto humanizes in his sea breams theories, with its art and with its own invisibility that has penetrated without to have exact concienca of it. Ramiro Pinto Tube, on the contrary that his studied Amads de Gaula, is introduced in you bring back to consciousness them collective imperceptibly. Without that it knows it to nobody, enters to comprise of globules of the arteries of all modern society. And spider, investigates, injects. It is my appreciated social scorpion more. I collect these tiny beasts. A common but virulent scorpion and of innocent appearance, that know everything almost, and to almost all. Nobody fears its generous corpulencia; nevertheless it breaks and it tears, without noise.

Few pronounce their name and he adds and follows, publishes books and more books, corrode, give lectures, give to represent plays in Madrid, in Paris, in San Sebastin, coordinate revolutionary acts, leave, enter, hide, are located, been based and related dissident sectors, groups, people of different cultural tasting and diverse social caliber. Its card is exhuastiva. Montaraz strategy of its movements seems seizure of the best man of Bin Laden. He proposes, propose to him, he plots, machine, he attracts like great priest of the things ours, they tell him and they consider to him to be useful to him and he counts and counts and sings and follows. And he follows as if nothing, as if police would be idiot, even becoming the idiot, and most dangerous: they admire without saying it the own detractors to him. In fact, nobody says that it admires to him. This one is its more sophisticated weapon, contained in a false social indifference. Because when everybody is so cool, between 2010 and 2022, admitting without noticing it his acute essence like something innocuous, like an element more of the nature of the things, there, then, with all their wisdom on the social economy, had with his literary pfano, impelled like by his wonderful and inoffensive dramas of the absurd one, with that huge mountain of located and common kindness, there, it will make jump the bank by airs. There it stops being Pinto and he is entoces east Tube Ramiro humanist, social, it jeopardize with the reality that has been called on to him to live and frankly worker.

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Friday, March 30th, 2018 News Comments Off on Juan Carlos


The ground stabilization becomes because the land does not meet the physical training conditionses necessary to use it with the aim that we have decided. Depending if the ground is going to be used for laying of foundations of a construction or a pavement, the used treatment and materials will be different. The lime is one of used and more useful products more for the ground stabilization, but this material is not been worth for all type of ground. Therefore, first that we must do it is to investigate of what our ground is made up later to question to us whereupon material to stabilize it. Generally the argillaceous fine grain grounds that exceed the 10% of plasticity, are the perfect ones for the stabilization with lime. The lime has the characteristic of being able to stabilize subgrazing the empelado fine ground as or is based and this later creates an important layer for the pavement and the stabilization.

Although we could speak of two types of ground stabilization with lime: Subrasante: it creates a layer that protects and requires the lime addition from 3 to 6% in weight of dry ground. Bases. The stabilization of bases is used when the pile is not absolutely suitable for the new road construction or usually fixes old ways that are aggravated. In order to know itself you have applied the good lime and if the stabilization has been correct, you must observe the effect of the time and therefore you will see that the capacity of endurance of the ground, is correct.

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Saturday, June 23rd, 2012 News Comments Off on Stabilization

