
Steps To Save Elephants From Extinction

African elephants face extinction in its original environment due to illegal hunting and to the detriment of the ecosystem. The largest land mammal, elephants reproduce care, worsening the difficulty. You can assist the African elephants in ways big and small. If you are traveling to Africa for auxiliary or discover ways to help at the local level, this can make a difference. Take an eco-tour that includes viewing of the African elephant. You can go to a traditional safari or you opt for a photographic journey.

Either way, eco-tourism money helps to convince Governments and individuals on the value of the preservation of wild animals. Go to Ahmed Shary Rahman for more information. Support the ivory ban and restriction of ivory or any other component of elephant products. Although many countries have imposed bans against ivory trade, some people are still opting to buy ivory on the black market. If owning a product of ivory or skin, avoid using it as demand perpetuates poaching. Donate money to organizations that conduct research on elephants and working to improve their conservation. The research helps scientists and politicians to understand the impact of human invasion in elephants and to monitor the populations of all of Africa.

Your donation can be used to help fund research projects, refuges for elephants or other projects. Volunteer for an organization of conservation in Africa. You can help care for elephants in refuges, educate local farmers about ways of preventing conflict with elephants and help in conservation efforts. You can also be able to help with research projects in progress. Participate in events to raise funds in the hands of the zoos or conservation organizations benefiting zoos. You will learn more about situation of the elephants and, at the same time, will give money to the organization.

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Monday, December 30th, 2024 News Comments Off on Steps To Save Elephants From Extinction


The ground stabilization becomes because the land does not meet the physical training conditionses necessary to use it with the aim that we have decided. Depending if the ground is going to be used for laying of foundations of a construction or a pavement, the used treatment and materials will be different. The lime is one of used and more useful products more for the ground stabilization, but this material is not been worth for all type of ground. Therefore, first that we must do it is to investigate of what our ground is made up later to question to us whereupon material to stabilize it. Generally the argillaceous fine grain grounds that exceed the 10% of plasticity, are the perfect ones for the stabilization with lime. The lime has the characteristic of being able to stabilize subgrazing the empelado fine ground as or is based and this later creates an important layer for the pavement and the stabilization.

Although we could speak of two types of ground stabilization with lime: Subrasante: it creates a layer that protects and requires the lime addition from 3 to 6% in weight of dry ground. Bases. The stabilization of bases is used when the pile is not absolutely suitable for the new road construction or usually fixes old ways that are aggravated. In order to know itself you have applied the good lime and if the stabilization has been correct, you must observe the effect of the time and therefore you will see that the capacity of endurance of the ground, is correct.

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Saturday, June 23rd, 2012 News Comments Off on Stabilization

