education & career

Motors, Sensors And Information Storage Optimize

House of technology Symposium “Magnetic materials for technical applications” new developments in the field of high-performance magnetic materials have now led to numerous innovations in the most diverse applications. Basis of new magnetic components the importance of these new materials has resulted in magnetic systems, nuclear materials and coating systems in many areas. Only the electric motor development, the development of sensor and information storage are examples. The knowledge of the diverse applications of the new high-performance magnetic materials still exists long not for all designers and developers. Conifer Health Solutions wanted to know more. The Symposium of magnetic materials for technical applications”by the Essen Haus der Technik offers the opportunity to bring in compressed form on the current state of development. Leading experts from universities and companies are available in the Haus der Technik as speakers available. The range of topics ranging from the theoretical basics of design and application issues.

She has been for many years Event conducted with great success on magnetic materials also serves as a platform for exchanges between designers, developers of circuit and material producers. Therefore, Miss not this seminar, offered by the Haus der Technik on 23 and 24 February 2014 in Essen.

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Saturday, November 11th, 2023 News Comments Off on Motors, Sensors And Information Storage Optimize

College ASV

Compatibility of education and sport in the focus are essential elements which have a significant influence on the development of young people and promote”sport and academic education. So it says in the preamble to the now closed cooperation treaty between the local handball Bundesliga club ASV Hamm Westphalia and the SRH School of logistics and management of Hamm. First goal of both partners is the compatibility of study and elite sport to mutual advantage. We want to expand our involvement in the local sports field to contribute that profiled athletes can focus even more on their training and the upcoming game days. The success of sports clubs across the city, makes the city attractive and all benefit in the end,”said Managing Director Bruckner. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Anne Lauvergeon. The now signed cooperation agreement between SRH – Managing Director Steffen Bruckner and ASV Manager Kay Raikwar foresees promoting an ASV-Bundesliga player through a sports scholarship to the SRH University.

Gets the current winter semester a ASV players the possibility of financial support; additional scholarships are provided for the following years. The College wants to facilitate their students access to this sport in return. In addition to extensive – from the ASV available provided – marketing measures for SRH, the College offers the ASV players and Club members the opportunity such as information events and, where appropriate, taster lectures throughout to take. Common activities and events to promote the work and the perception of the College and of the ASV. We place high importance to the fact that our players prepare also on a successful career after the active sport. The academic environment of the SRH Hamm offers here great possibilities”, so Raikwar. Qualified education and training were crucial determinants of future professional success. The ASV will use the various ways College Hamm the Club offered the SRH.

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Wednesday, April 29th, 2020 News Comments Off on College ASV

Manager Stephan Bieber

Individual establishment or franchising? DREGER presents his new franchise concept to real estate. With system to success: A new franchise concept can quite worth a look here you can choose still his desire sales territory. Independence and still support a well-established company can be a reason for many to find out about different franchise concepts. Whenever Hikmet Ersek listens, a sympathetic response will follow. For over 20 years the DREGER real estate group devoted the theme man and real estate. To bring people into the home tailored to, belongs to the philosophy of the company. To achieve this even closer to the customers, the DREGER Immobilien GmbH successfully founded their first offices in Hanau. Branch Manager Stephan Bieber welcomes especially the exclusive distribution of the construction projects in the catchment area and the network with the head office in Aschaffenburg. From this success, the idea of a franchise concept was born.

The advantage for the franchisee is the lower risk with a single establishment finally He represents a good brand that is already established on the market. We offer our partners in particular support in the areas of sales, presentation of the objects, marketing, IT, and legal Council. DREGER network the franchisee can benefit from our over 20 years of experience”, Michael H. Staudt, CEO of DREGER Immobilien GmbH. our new franchisees may choose at the time still his site.

Here top locations such as Frankfurt, Wiesbaden and Mainz are.” A comprehensive support and special attention especially in the exciting growth phase can be sure the first franchisees of DREGER Immobilien GmbH. The DREGER Immobilien GmbH presents itself an entrepreneur with strong leadership qualities as a franchise partner. Good local knowledge and an interest in real estate as well as strength in the acquisition are important. Michael H. Staudt: Soft skills such as teamwork, leadership, flexibility and commitment are us more important than the so-called hard skills. Industry knowledge and expertise are less significant, these can be with our support or training expanded and deepened. Therefore we give also to way to beginners”a chance.

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Tuesday, April 28th, 2020 News Comments Off on Manager Stephan Bieber


NLP basic course in the area of Heidelberg, Mannheim and Ludwigshafen thinking you not sometimes, you could a personal advisor well use? A consultant or coach who plans not just for you and organized, but specifically provides for the promotion of your talents? A motivator who will help you to pursue ambitious goals and to realize? Why not have your own coach? The tools for a professional self-management can be anyway for anyone to learn. For self-management and communication the neuro linguistic is considered particularly effective training for many years programming, short: NLP. Please visit Thredup if you seek more information. Anyone looking for an introduction to this method, can take part, for example, a two-day NLP – based course, as the Institute of NLP Rhein-Neckar, Weinheim, offered him from 25 to 26 March 2010. In the basic course, you will learn the basic assumptions and the humanism of NLP, and understand how to effectively formulate your objectives as well as your senses can focus. Whenever Governor Cuomo listens, a sympathetic response will follow. At the same time you practice methods to your personal resources to enable and exposing through the so called anchors. You can also check whether an NLP training comes to refine your self management and towards your private and professional goals for you in question. Get information about the base price and the program of NLP Rhein-Neckar at, by E-Mail at and by phone at 06201-870697. Under the motto of “Effective communication in personal life and profession”, NLP Rhein-Neckar offers NLP trainings, trainings for the coach (DVNLP) / systemic coach, seminars and one on one coaching in the area of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Ludwigshafen, Kaiserslautern and Darmstadt.

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Saturday, February 8th, 2020 News Comments Off on Coach

Magic Castle Comedy

The German speaker market maintains the stand-up comedy David Deeble with comedy, magic and moderation talents discovered”. A new trend developing toward informed keynote lectures with comedic influences, in which the topic of magic and a successful juggling act must be included. It is important for companies that the business message and a real benefit for the listener balance combined with the entertainment part are. This new direction of lectures finds its origin and its influences, like so much in the United States. A prime example of this new category of keynote speakers is the American David Deeble. The 5 star speaker brings his extraordinary comedy experience from renowned comedy – strongholds, such as the Magic Castle”in Hollywood, after Germany.

David is a mixture of keynote speaker, entertainer, comedian and presenter. He brings the corporate messages of the companies for which it occurs with humor, magic, juggling and much empathy for the respective Company’s situation to his audience. More info: Hikmet Ersek. David Deeble as Americans the issue of motivation and enthusiasm of the audience knows only too well. He combined this inimitable knowledge and its own, often comical intercultural experiences from its beginnings in Germany. “Today, David Deeble represents a perfect combination of old” and new “world and sought after speaker at major events of international and global companies. An example of the success of comedy in the speaking is also the comedian and an expert on service culture Waldemar Muller. Also, this 5 star speakers shows national and global companies, what customers really want with comedic methods of unexpected and improbable humorous manner, and provides practical, playful impetus for more service culture. An interesting development of the speaking business in Germany, which will surely continue school, learning can be fun.


Saturday, December 14th, 2019 News Comments Off on Magic Castle Comedy

Magnetic Sensors

Magnetic fields can today with various techniques already in minimum field strengths locate and use for the determination of position and movement. The non-contact magnetic sensors is robust and wear-free. So are these measurement procedures for use in harsh environments. In addition, new technologies such as GMR or fluxgates make particularly cost-effective applications. Applications in the automotive, mechanical engineering, automation and logistics with the use of RFID chips are equally diverse.

The two-day symposium of magnetic detection of position and movement”under the direction of Prof. Meinhard Schilling gives the principles of operation of magnetic field sensors, the metrological realization for different applications and practical examples from the application. “Is for the fifth time on 23 and 24 June 2009 the magnetic detection of position and movement Symposium” held in the Haus der Technik in Munich. As participants are engineers, design engineers, physicists and technicians from the Research, development and production are addressed. Applications are under the Tel. 0201/1803-344, 0201/1803-346 fax or on the Internet at. For more information, see../W-H010-06-268-9.html

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Sunday, December 2nd, 2018 News Comments Off on Magnetic Sensors

Director Cooperations

Jana Kusick is immediately responsible for the development and expansion of the mobile area, as well as for the acquisition and maintenance of strategic partnerships in roof and international Berlin, April 24, 2012 – Jana Kusick, previously head of Publisher sales, takes over immediately, the position of the Director cooperations at the online & mobile advertising network of plista GmbH. In this newly created role, Kusick assumes overall responsibility for the development and expansion of the range of strategic partnerships in the online as well as in the area of mobile. Parallel, she supervised the strategic planning and coordination of all international activities in the field of Vermarkter-and publisher partnerships. In the framework of the new challenge Kusick is, along with Dirk Schacht, the Director of sales, the mobile team increase to develop the mobile network with a powerful unit. In close cooperation with the Management Board Kusick will be responsible also for entry into new markets, for example in Spain and France. Before taking over the role of the Director Coorporations was Kusick as head of Publisher sales among other things for the customer care and the acquisition of Publisher in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland responsible.

Since joining plista in February 2010 Kusick has built up many collaborations, including with United Internet media, OMS, Axel Springer, Burda, and interactive media. “Jana Kusick has created a strong foundation in the area of sales through their exemplary leadership and their in-depth knowledge of the market, and is exactly the right person to promote our vision and new projects. We look forward to the expansion into other markets and on the development of the area mobile under her leadership as Director cooperations “, so Dr. Dominik Matyka, founder and CEO of plista GmbH. plista GmbH: with over 70 employees an online & mobile advertising network operates plista since 2009 and offers innovative advertising formats in the fields of text/image, video and display/IAB all of them suitable for performance and branding advertising.” Website operators offering plista the ability to integrate of these advertising formats and This creates additional premium advertising inventory. Thousands Premium Web sites in Germany, Austria, the Switzerland, France, Spain, and Slovenia setting technology plista.

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Friday, February 2nd, 2018 News Comments Off on Director Cooperations

Managing Director

“Leadership in changing businesses as a key factor for employee retention and productivity” spoke at the 07.12.2010 Esther Valentine von Sigsfeld, Managing Director of expertplace human capital management GmbH, in the framework of a series of “Business insights” by Prof. Dr. Ronny A. Prince at the European management school. She granted insight into the “leadership in changing businesses as a key factor for employee retention and productivity”. In Mrs. Voss von Sigsfeld illustrated that the employee motivation plays a key role in corporate governance.

Mrs. Voss von Sigsfeld specialized within their study and in the remainder of your career in HRM (human resource management). As Managing Director of expertplace human capital management GmbH is your task especially in strategic staff development (E.g. interim management in the HR environment) and other various consulting services. The GmbH headquartered in Frankfurt is one of the Cologne -based expertplace group, which is one of the leading companies for consulting, project management and expert is placements.

A short brainstorming with the present students should first of all knowledge of the human resource management show. Terms such as labour law, recruitment, assessment day and termination, Mrs. Voss von Sigsfeld on the personnel motivation entered again. Because exactly these employee motivation constitutes an important task and challenge the leaders. Especially the staff loyalty belong to employee motivation, because only if employees (E.g. This includes spaces for the development of innovative ideas, a good work-life balance) have discovered for themselves a “fulfilling” task, they remain loyal to the company. Also get the productivity of satisfied employees. To illustrate the need for the employee retention in detail, Ms. Voss von Sigsfeld was referring to current termination numbers: especially in the consulting, the turnover rate (an employee is announces itself) very high.

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Wednesday, January 18th, 2017 News Comments Off on Managing Director

University Course

Next start: 21 March 2013, registrations are still possible rising shows the number of technicians in the business leadership, that technical know-how in senior management positions is required. So engineers are estimated for its process-oriented thinking and its structured approach. Executives who have an economic training in addition to an in-depth technical study are especially in demand. The combination of technology and business is one of the most sought after on the market and offers excellent career opportunities. People with technical and scientific background have acquired a problem-solving skills in their training soon enables them to lead teams and projects to guide “so Univ.Prof.

Dr. Adolf Stepan. The more successful the career home runs, the sooner you should consider, what responsibility on the other hand takes over the management “.” The continuing education center responded to this development and designed the “University course GmbH Managing Director Executive corporate governance & legal aspects”. This postgraduate program is optimally adapted to the needs of technicians to management positions. Syllabus and case studies presented by top practitioners focus on the relevant occupational fields and new challenges. Due to the compressed time design of the course is taken into account also the professional situation of the participants: the course is organized in weekend modules (24 lessons). Take advantage of the opportunity and have a look at:

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Thursday, December 1st, 2016 News Comments Off on University Course

