
Juan Carlos

This Ramiro is the one that is ” vigilar”! How could go ahead as much opportunely this iconoclastic Tube? Iconoclastic, literary and suggestive, this admirable ideologist of the town that lives the authenticity in his numerossima family and shares in its life many-colored people who go by hand to their advice, to their worked hospitality, carved hand, sum and follows, to be human to being human, father of its many biological children and so many others, as I myself I can be, nomadic men by the world, men who prevail, which they know to poetizar without verses in this world that good was although we used of him as we must, this world who Pinto humanizes in his sea breams theories, with its art and with its own invisibility that has penetrated without to have exact concienca of it. Ramiro Pinto Tube, on the contrary that his studied Amads de Gaula, is introduced in you bring back to consciousness them collective imperceptibly. Without that it knows it to nobody, enters to comprise of globules of the arteries of all modern society. And spider, investigates, injects. It is my appreciated social scorpion more. I collect these tiny beasts. A common but virulent scorpion and of innocent appearance, that know everything almost, and to almost all. Nobody fears its generous corpulencia; nevertheless it breaks and it tears, without noise.

Few pronounce their name and he adds and follows, publishes books and more books, corrode, give lectures, give to represent plays in Madrid, in Paris, in San Sebastin, coordinate revolutionary acts, leave, enter, hide, are located, been based and related dissident sectors, groups, people of different cultural tasting and diverse social caliber. Its card is exhuastiva. Montaraz strategy of its movements seems seizure of the best man of Bin Laden. He proposes, propose to him, he plots, machine, he attracts like great priest of the things ours, they tell him and they consider to him to be useful to him and he counts and counts and sings and follows. And he follows as if nothing, as if police would be idiot, even becoming the idiot, and most dangerous: they admire without saying it the own detractors to him. In fact, nobody says that it admires to him. This one is its more sophisticated weapon, contained in a false social indifference. Because when everybody is so cool, between 2010 and 2022, admitting without noticing it his acute essence like something innocuous, like an element more of the nature of the things, there, then, with all their wisdom on the social economy, had with his literary pfano, impelled like by his wonderful and inoffensive dramas of the absurd one, with that huge mountain of located and common kindness, there, it will make jump the bank by airs. There it stops being Pinto and he is entoces east Tube Ramiro humanist, social, it jeopardize with the reality that has been called on to him to live and frankly worker.

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