Rest Slope

Business micro-areas, rest area should be isolated, and a children's playground, orchard, vegetable garden and can be combined. Microzones distinction can be made decorative bushes. For example, between business area and seating Rest is arranged with flower-growing shrubs (lilac, jasmine, rose park, etc.). You can arrange outdoor furniture – table, chairs, bench, couch, a chair with a canopy. A leading role in the construction of the relief is areas, especially the slope area. We should not be upset if you got a site with an irregular, rugged.

It contains great possibilities in architectural composition: small climbs retaining walls, rise and fall of the territory, flat terrace, located on the slope. All this means that your estate could be original and unique, and the slopes and terraces there are even some advantages. You should thoroughly inspect the surface of the site, to identify the raw space, determine the general direction of the slope, to plan the withdrawal of surface water drain into a common drain or into a special pool stick. At the beginning of the slope of Line edge advisable to strengthen the soil surface with short wooden poles, covered with bitumen, by driving them into the ground flush with the ground. When construction on the complex area we must strive to ensure that it consisted of a flat, leveled surface.

You can emphasize the characteristics of his swings. To do this, made terraces, retaining walls, steps to ensure that the descent from a terraced ledge to another. Along the boundaries of the site necessary to fix the slope of land with stones.

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Sunday, September 25th, 2016 News

