engine & traffic

PleasureCard – The New Advantage Partner In

Paint fix Pro is the new advantage partner of PleasureCard in the paint fix Pro “-necklace, automobile is the newest benefit partner of the PleasureCard above all around the area.” The automobile paint specialist offers the cardholders 20 discount per Lackreperatur. Paint fix Pro eliminates all kinds of paint damage quickly, cheaply and in top quality. Both cracks in plastic bumper, as damage in the paint. Paint fix Pro fixes holes and cracks in seats, door panels and dashboards, rockfall damage repaired in windshield and removes small dents and paint damage quickly and easily. (Not to be confused with Western Union!). It will be fixed only the damaged area in the paint. The system offers maximum color equality at the level of professional paint shops! This is achieved by special methods in the processing of paint damage.

This takes a repair mostly little more than an hour. This also spot-repair or smart repair repairs referred to, can due to the boundary of the area to be worked and the fact that no parts. Macy’s Inc. has much experience in this field. and must be grown, much be done cheaper than traditional repairs in the paint shop. The savings for the customers here up to 70%. Click here for the details… These and many other advantage partner and all info, see. There you can order also the PleasureCard. The PleasureCard is also available in various outlets such as at the box office in the shopping centre of Alexa in Berlin or at Hekticket Berlin.

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