
August Flowering

Plants bloom in late July or early August and we are pleased to frost. Unfortunately, this species has a high winter-hardiness and demands for the winter shelter, but the unusual shape shrubs will justify the effort. In the form 'Rraesoh' begins flowering in 6 weeks earlier than in the original form (from the beginning of July), a form of 'Tardiva' will give you a very late flowering from September to frost. A form of 'Kyushu' – the only having a pleasant and strong aroma, which reaches a height of 3 m. It is a beautiful solitaire or accent planting in tall ornamental shrubs. Hydrangea paniculate (N.

particulate) This is a tall shrub or, rather, a tree, that with good care and proper conditions up to 2.5 m in height. Leaves pubescent, especially beneath and along the veins. This species flowers are collected in the pyramidal or conical panicles to 20 cm long and 15 cm in diameter. Stained inflorescences white and pink. Blooms from mid-June to October. In southern fruit. Like the previous species, differ cold resistance and fast growth. In addition, you can call g.metelchatuyu long-lived – in the literature is mention of the bush 60 years of age.

This species has several interesting and promising forms: 'Floribunda' – gives abundant flowering, narrow white inflorescences eventually become pinkish; 'Grandillora' forms with large inflorescences white flowers on a background of dark green leaves. Hydrangea Chereshkovaya (N. petiolaris) Representatives of this species of hydrangeas – creeper with dark reddish-brown stems that reach 20 meters in length.

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Saturday, March 31st, 2012 News Comments Off on August Flowering

Better Market

Before starting a new season for most gardeners again true there is a problem where you can buy the seeds?. And so it was certainly seed quality. It seems that the time had passed dashing 90's and the market has become more or less civilized. But no – no, yes you will sell a pig in a poke. Specificity of the purchase of seeds and seedlings have is that you really buy a cat in a bag.

After all, most of us are not endowed with the ability clairvoyant and can not say what will grow from seeds purchased in the market. Go far beyond the example is not necessary. For example, once 15 years ago we bought a seedling pears on the market, as it is assured by the seller. However, it took a long age in order to realize that instead of pears grown unvaccinated apple-savage. Of course we are for it to merchants do not take offense. Apples from the apple tree, although not large, but they have an amazing property – they absolutely do not deteriorate and are stored for a long time. But however, we did not get what they wanted.

From the seeds the same story. Today they are sold in bright bags. They are painted with beautiful vegetables, which are supposed to have you as a result grow. But often, instead of the declared and drawn Nantes carrots for example, you sell the seeds of a plantain or other weeds. This is a very common way of cheating.

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Sunday, December 18th, 2011 News Comments Off on Better Market

