insurance & pension

Housing Bonus

2011 complete savings and housing bonus request the housing premium is a State allowance in the housing bonus law anchored. Once a year it is paid to all fully taxable persons from 16 years of age, as well as orphaned regardless of age, who pay contributions to a savings for the first time shares in housing and building cooperatives purchase or that have a global, whose Summe is used exclusively for the financing of home ownership. The housing premium is 8.8% of expenditure in the year 2011. When individuals savings promoted annually by maximum 512 euros, together assessed married 1024 euro. This corresponds to an amount of 45 or 90 euro provided that even at least 50 euros were paid annually. To get the housing premium, taxable income must be less than 25600 euro individuals and 51200 euro for jointly assessed married couples.

A claim on Arbeitnehmersparzulage should not exist. The contracts must have a minimum of 7 years. A termination before the end of this period, is also retroactively forfeited the premium. There are exceptions, if balances Treaty dissolved prematurely in the housing, if the contract holder is continuously unemployed for a year or he or his spouse is disabled or dies. When selecting a funds you should consider beforehand, whether you want to complete a contractor with a high rate of credit, or a contractor with the possibility of a low interest rate loan. Both will be not included in a Bauspartrag.

So can get so high interest in the credit area, but it also faces high interest rates in a provided loan. Pick up so an offer for both options. Balances out before 2009 completed building Association savings agreements can be used after the minimum period of time, as of 2009, the method of residential construction/modernization is bound. Go to Lucas Bitencourt for more information. Grant holders are uniquely exempt up to 25 years. The employer pays capital-forming payments, you can put the money in a savings. If you are still in a good position to get also the Arbeitnehmersparzulage, except for the housing premium is nothing against the conclusion of a funds.

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Thursday, May 2nd, 2024 News Comments Off on Housing Bonus

Online Credit

After the cash for clunkers the online loan is again of course Thal in the Switzerland, September 19, 2009. Since one month can be more no claims to the cash for clunkers. In other words: back to origins and the dream of the new car in original way realize. More than ever, it is of the utmost importance if necessary to find a suitable loan. Also the operator of the portal of credit clearly remember this current trend development. We have firmly put in recent weeks two components to the user statistics in the field of car loan have risen rapidly, and on the other hand are higher than even before entering the economic crisis due to the current economic conditions the General admissions “, clearly summarizes Kolmel.

It appears all the more important to point out the managers of CK comparison GmbH, what to keep in mind when comparing virtual credit. You should definitely make sure that you prefer a special car loan, as only the ordinary rates credit. The Advantage is that consumers increasingly can focus on individual needs “, complements Joachim Kolmel, Chairman of the Board of management. The factors, on those Kolmel points out, especially in the mass for the individual consumer benefit. In detail the provisions relating to a deposit meant that that are run time options and whether funding should be done regardless of the manufacturer or of previously owned cars will be sold. The portal credit thus offers the possibility of finding an individually appropriate online credit, granted him a cheap financing of the car any consumer.

What moves the consumer, determines the direction of its act straight currently, as the cash for clunkers program is no longer possible, the auto industry must put back onto the credit buyer, because only a few can afford the immediate cash payment for a new car. Are discounts for cash payments many times cheaper, although the distribution of the total cost over a certain period of time and easier to handle. Where one must consider in addition: the credit conditions are now so small that the effective annual rate of interest is no longer overwhelming. “that emphasises Kolmel.” Due to the long-lasting, editorial support of the portal of the CK comparison GmbH is immediately to capture possible current offerings and to present consumers with a tabular list. Because of the virtual possibilities you must no longer seek the personal conversation with the Bank but can go through the contracts online and complete. “that is called Kolmel as an additional factor, which is why consumers are currently more willing a loan to take.” You can see clearly that a combination of economic developments determine the consumer in its willingness to act. One enters on the resulting needs of the consumer and creates added value, creates a win-win situation. In the case of the portal of credit is this condition on the part of consumers, as well as on pages the portal operator clearly. About credit, the Swiss company CK comparison GmbH operates one of the leading credit comparison portals on the Internet. On, consumers can obtain information about various credit facilities and online purchase a credit agreement.

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Monday, June 8th, 2020 News Comments Off on Online Credit


That the money was gone easy, when Lehman Brothers went down, came as a slap in the face. Similar to Thousands of bank customers fared. No day without new horror stories of investors who felt cheated and lied to by their banks went by since the collapse of the Bank on September 15, 2008. And lawyers are convinced: it is only a matter of time before the next huge scandal. “I knew no mechanisms that will prevent the entry of such scenarios,” says about lawyer Matthias Schroder from Frankfurt.For many investors protection certificates are works of the devil.

The papers are far too complex, that she declared a layman in a normal consultation and of this outraged is lawyer Bjorn weigh “then also still could be monitored” by the registry tree tab & Collegen. After a certificate test, the magazine “” came to the conclusion: “No one understands”. “We have looked at the terms of payment and are of the opinion that many of these products do not are likely to be sold the most private,” it says in the report.” FINANZtest recommends that Mutual funds, as well as the independent brokers InveXtra as an operator of the website, as these many advantages in offering security, transparency, yield and cost. Investors should therefore take the differences of financial products such as certificates and investment funds under the magnifying glass. Comparison of certificates and investment funds 1 credit funds is the invested capital as assets in bankruptcy of the fund company. This does not apply to certificates: in case of insolvency of the issuer, the investor can go completely blank. 2. Security investment funds offer investors security.

In addition to a State supervision (BFin), also the custodian is a control and monitoring function. In addition, the half-yearly and annual reports of the Fund be certified. Certificates examine only the prospectus by the BFin on completeness.

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Sunday, January 20th, 2019 News Comments Off on InveXtra

