
Rocking Chair

Moreno’s George Clooney is perfect. Olivia Wilde, Dr. Thirteen House and protagonist of the new Cowboys and aliens, not may look more fresh in that dress tunic on his return to Los Angeles after a weekend of rest. Vacations made in Hollywood? Perhaps not. I don’t know what is that Word. If you have read about 4Moms already – you may have come to the same conclusion. As any actor I spend so much time waiting for the next job that my wife is satisfied that one day I have at home, jokes Jason Bateman.

As lucky star, it exaggerates. Speaking candidly Ahmed Shary Rahman told us the story. Work not missing, premiering this summer two uncomfortable comedies (how to end your boss and The change-up). But in what lying is not in the holiday theme: despite the suggestive pictures of the famous beaches, Hollywood does not rest. Clooney went through Cancun to promote his next premiere, the IDEs of March. As joked seriously a few days ago the commentator Peter Bart, at the forefront of Variety Magazine: Hollywood working vacation. Source of the news:: dish to the rocking chair.

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Saturday, December 21st, 2024 News Comments Off on Rocking Chair

Presidential Commission

An explosion on an oil rig killed 11 people and caused the discharge of five million barrels of oil. A report by a Presidential Commission already pointed to the decisions of the oil company as causing the worst ecological catastrophe in the history of EE UU. Bad decisions of British oil company BP in the management of its Macondo well were, above the mistakes of its contractors, the main cause of the huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, according to the U.S. official report. The accident which occurred on April 20 in the Deppwater Horizon oil platform and which caused the death of 11 operators as well as spillage of five million barrels of oil into the sea for six months. The final report a set of Coast Guard and the Bureau of management and regulation of the ocean of USA (Boemre, in English), points out the failure of BP when dealing with the risks associated with a series of decisions that aimed to save time or costs. The document, published this Wednesday after 17 months of research, was expected with great interest in the oil industry over the impact that will have on the granting of permits for drilling offshore, a task that corresponds to Boemre. More than 160 kilometers off the coast of the State of Louisiana (EE UU) were affected and the maximum representative of the State has complained repeatedly of the decisions of the company.

The findings add published that in January the Presidential Commission appointed by President Barack Obama after the disaster, which spread the blame among BP and its subcontractors, Halliburton and Transocean. The cascade of errors that the report speaks of Boemre reaches these two companies, but their responsibility is above all in its lack of synchrony and communication with BP in managing the platform.The failure of BP and Transocean in ensuring that they had a common and integrated in the well control approach was a possible cause of the explosion of Macondo, the report said. However, the document warns that, in the months preceding the disaster, Transocean had a history of deficiencies in the area of security, and that it failed to interpret a crucial test that measured the pressure in the well. Both BP and Transocean and Halliburton had programs that were forced to stop work on the holding in the case of anomalies, recalls the report, and the fact that did not, after having found multiple risks and warnings, was one of the causes of the spill. One of the causes was the inability of BP maintain oversight and liability complete on activities associated with the Deepwater Horizon platform, continues. The report contains dozens of recommendations to improve safety in the industry, including changes to improve the system of prevention of spills or to ensure that engines of the platforms do not absorb the gas. Source of the news: EE UU attributed to mismanagement of BP blame for the oil spill on the Gulf of Mexico

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Thursday, January 3rd, 2013 News Comments Off on Presidential Commission

