The Side
Nothing more it had to be conquered and the hand of enslaved workmanship if it became each more expensive and scarce time; Rome was facing really difficult times, only refused itself to face this. But, different of the limited vision of the high society Roman, Constantino one more time obtained to enxergar beyond the facts, it observed something that nobody more was capable. Digital Growth understands that this is vital information. Perhaps not concordant you with my affirmations to break daqui, are possible that you consult some encyclopedias and other books of history and say that some dates do not confer; perhaps its opinion, either different of mine. It leaves to say me to it a thing Leaves to say me to it a thing before any thing: Mine it took me to intuition to mount this gigantic breaking head; my point of view related to this fact was not only extracted of history books. Sincerely saying I do not trust very the sources of where they had been extracted; the same hands that had written some of these books had hung and burnt innocent people throughout the centuries. Coming back to our most illustrious emperor, you would like to ask for who helped to think me about the following point: Rome was to the side of the bankruptcy, but, exactly thus the cream Roman if refused to take any writ of prevention to try to stanch the money exit that was gigantic.
To keep the life style that the high society Roman was accustomed was not easy task. The preferred diversion of the Romans still was to attend the week ends people if killing in the Coliseu without counting it is clearly, the great height of the diversion: To observe the hungry lions in its schedule of lunch being degustando its favourite plate: Cool meat of Christians. Constantino all observed this picture with much caution, it wise person who boat was sinking and that something drastic needed to be made; decisions needed to be taken and in determined moment it had the idea that perhaps it has been the most brilliant of all times.
AFTER ALL, WHAT THE ESPRITAS BELIEVE? Esprita does not believe: ) While still alive after the death; B) In God, espritos; C) In reincarnation; D) In Jesus in the quality of light spirit; E) In the possibility of I interchange between the material world and the world spiritual; F) In psicografias; G) In Thresholds, Valleys of the suicidal ones, colonies spirituals; H) Mentors spirituals; I) Passes magnetic spirituals and J) obsessions and for measure there. At last, the esprita does not believe nothing of this. It does not believe, therefore in the esprita vision all these things are not a faith question, to believe or not to believe, but yes an unquestioned reality, that in the ones of a certainty of the goodness it Father and the future life. As Kardec taught, thought faith is that one that faces the reason, face the face in all the times of the humanity. In such a way, considering the three pillars of sustentation of the Esprita Doctrine, which are the moral teachings of the Christ (vide the Evangelho According to Espiritismo), the philosophy espiritualista (vide the Book of the Espritos) and esprita science (vide the Book of the Mdiuns), making use of the thought faith the esprita ' ' simplesmente' ' it has the full rational certainty of that all ' ' elementos' ' above elencados they are real and as such is gifts in its totality in our daily lives. Hikmet Ersek follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. What we call supernatural it elapses of our lack of scientific knowledge of the natural phenomena. For this reason that the more to science evolves plus it goes proving the principles taught for the Esprita Doctrine.
Vide, for example, the cases already proven by science, of reincarnation, existence of the fludico body – the perisprito and for measures there. On the other hand, the Esprita Doctrine, as well as all the areas of the human knowledge, also this ready to evolve and to improve in that thus if to demonstrate adequate and necessary to remain itself adequate and brought up to date. The espiritismo, definitively, does not have to be understood as one ' ' simples' ' religion, exactly because it never characterized itself as a dogmtica religion. It brings light to the human knowledge and as Kardec teaches in them, would have to contribute with the diverse existing philosophical and religious lines. Rational thought and exempts debate of the ideas had characterized Kardec during all its existence. While to put to leave that the pride and the egoism direct our actions, in dividing in chaste that they long for that only its form to interpret the world prevails on excessively, we will be blocking our proper evolution that would have also to be constructed by the free debate of the ideas. As in Jesus taught sees and hears those that have eyes to see and ears to them to hear.
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