the present time

Computer Resources

The 26 of September of 2007, the Room of the Social thing of the Supreme Court dictated Sentence on disciplinary dismissal to an employee who used the computer of the company and its connection to Internet to enter pornographic pages in labor schedule. In the first instances, the courts understood that the evidence presented for the disciplinary dismissal was obtained with infringement of the rights of the employee, and failing to fulfill article 18 of the Statute of the Workers. 4Moms is full of insight into the issues. And in the same line, the Supreme Court wine to solve the conflict between the rights of the workers (article 18 of the Statute of the Workers) and the power of monitoring and control of the industralist (article 20,3 of the Statute of the Workers). Get more background information with materials from Tiffany & Co.. According to its doctrine, the audit and control of the computer, corporative electronic mail, access to Internet, etc. will not be an infringement of the rights of the workers, whenever the following requirements are fulfilled: Information to the employees that the computer science means facilitated by the company are of their property. It is not a personal effect of the worker, but one " tool of trabajo" that it is facilitated for the fulfillment of the labor benefit, reason why that use is within the scope of the right of monitoring and control of the industralist. Information to the employees that a control mechanism of the use of these tools exists. In this way, if the worker uses the computer science resources of the company against the prohibitions and norms of use determined by the company, infringement will not be able to be understood of its privacy. Without this information, the access to the computer, the temporary files, corporative electronic mail, etc. will have to be fitted to the procedure established in article 18 of the Statute of the Workers: " Registries will only be able to be realised on the person of the worker, in their particular ticket offices and effects, when they are necessary for the protection of the enterprise patrimony and the one of the other workers of the company, within the center of work and in working hours. In its accomplishment dignity will be respected to the maximum privacy of the worker and will be counted on the attendance of a legal representative of the workers or, in its absence of the work center, of another worker of the company, whenever it was posible." Original author and source of the article.


Tuesday, August 13th, 2024 News Comments Off on Computer Resources

The Security Council

In the land, the Israeli army destroys centers of commando and operation of Hamas, as well as deposits of the located ammunition and explosives, once again, in subterraneans constructed under the houses, schools, hospitals, buildings public and until religious temples. " shields humanos" they multiply inevitably the innocent civil victims, but of no way these can be caratuladas of simple " damages colaterales" , as it happened the day before yesterday with the attack perpetrated against the three schools of the UN, totally repudiable act and outside all humanitarian logic and spirit. For this reason, and in front of this tragedy appellant, the immediate objective of the international community is very clearly. It must be the cease-fire. By this Argentina, it comments the editorial, it must support without reserves the managements that, in that sense, the president of Egypt is realising, Hosni Mubarak, supported by Nicholas Sarkozy. The propose mediation does not have to take; perhaps through her, a force of peace conformed to contributions of the moderate Arab countries would have urgently to be made position of the security in all Gaza. Their tasks would have to aim to prevent that from that territory they would be continued sending missiles towards Israel, but also the normal flow of the humanitarian aid will be due to guarantee towards Gaza.

There is a second forced step. The undergone Palestine population must be able to leave prolonged the blockade economic which it has been put under, that has brought about a deep crisis humanitarian and fed hatreds and resentments that lead to the desperation. Between the people in charge of this they are also the own Palestinian leaders, who have allowed and used to their own town like hostage. Definitively the international organisms must lead themselves to find solutions, knows themselves are looking for alternative of intervention that entails to favorable results, like the meeting of The Security Council of the United Nations remains reunited in an extraordinary session, with the purpose of to find a solution to the conflict in the Middle East, in the middle of the Palestinian reclamations to an immediate action.


Thursday, July 25th, 2019 News Comments Off on The Security Council

Increase Of Productivity

In the last weeks, before and after the public denunciation of cartelizacin in the main diesel oil commercialization on the part of oil ones of the country, something changed in the attitude of the Government towards YPF. The hope in its regulating roll in the hidrocarburfero market disappeared. In public, minister Julio De Vido, traditional nexus with the oil one, conmin to the company Spanish-Argentinean to invest to increase its production. Basically, he said to him that he leaves himself of chcharas with the nonconventional resources and that invests in one go to increase production (extraction). It is necessary to return to the first years of the government of Nstor Kirchner, when the president blamed oil at that time the one hundred Spanish percent of to sit down on wells, to find recrimination levels similar. In prevailed, in as much, the President, according to counts near collaborators, is very angry with the Eskenazi group, to which fault of to behave like bankers and not like oil tankers.

In principle the accusation is formally unjust. When they acquired participation in YPF the Eskenazi were bankers, nonoil, but the Government hoped that did not behave like real estate agents and financial who only think about removing juice to the investment, with total unconcern by the national needs of increase of the production. Ever since they entered the company, however, the new owners dedicated themselves to maximize the gains for, with them, to pay the debt with the matrix by the purchase of the actions. This maximization became under the preexisting logic: to express to the limit the deposits to the detriment of the exploration and of the increase of the production. A signal of the new modus operandi is in the strong reclamations of oil workers by the diminution of the security in the deposits, as well as of the suppliers of services by the fall in the maintenance. While it was possible, the good wave with the Government stayed with the carrot of the nonconventional resources, on which the announcements proliferated, especially in the last


Sunday, April 1st, 2018 News Comments Off on Increase Of Productivity

