books & magazines

German Environment Foundation

Natural sciences as a strong foothold geo title the WBG Publishing Group at competitions successful natural sciences as a strong foothold Darmstadt, 20th February 2013: three titles from the science editing of the WBG (scientific book society) awards. This success shows: in addition to the arts and Humanities the WBG has developed a strong geo – and scientific profile. Energy of the future”by Marius Dannenberg, A.k.a Duracak, Matthias Hafner and Steffen Kitzing was yesterday in Vienna of the title science book 2013″ awarded in the category of science and technology. The Austrian Federal Ministry for science and research and book culture magazine called the competition”in life. In total, around 25,000 Austrian participated in the vote.

He at the WBG Bookstore subsidiary, Primus released band offers a comprehensive overview of all renewable forms of energy and easy represents the current state of research. This year goes to the ITB BuchAward in the category of tourist book” Tourism geography”by Jurgen Schmude and Philipp Namberger. The jury of the book price, which international tourism fair ITB, consisting of from country experts and representatives of the media and of the book trade, writes to the grounds: It is clearly written and contains basic terms of all sub-disciplines of geography and its related disciplines. Well suited also for lay people interested in tourism research.” The ceremony will take place on March 8 at the ITB in Berlin. In January the German Environment Foundation indicated the title of climate change and biodiversity”, edited by Volker Mosbrugger among others, to the environment book of the month. Thus, at the same time, this book is for the environment book of the year award”nomination, which will be awarded in the autumn. By the same author: Jeff Gennette. About the WBG as economic club committed to the WBG for the promotion of science and culture. It operates as a Publisher and sells her book program in bookstores as well as on their about 130,000 members.

The publishers include the publishing group of the WBG Primus (Darmstadt), Konrad Theiss (Stuttgart) and Philipp von Saverne (Darmstadt), as well as the imprint Publisher Lambert Schneider and the audiobook Publisher auditorium maximum (Darmstadt). Learn more about the company at.

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Friday, October 25th, 2019 News Comments Off on German Environment Foundation

Book Transformation

CEO Prof. Dr. Dr. Gerd Rossa of the iSM – Institute for System-Management GmbH has co-authored what requirements must meet the Bank IT in the future, new (and old) added value can be created for the customer? The task of the Bank-IT, reliably and at reasonable cost to make the business of the Bank, goes hand in hand with legal and security-related requirements, but also with the aim of exploring new business opportunities: Bank-IT must be market conqueror, ideas and innovation driver today. “Titled transformation of the Bank IT” media release Mr. Dr. Ibrahim Karasu and Mr.

Dr. Waldemar Grudzien Bank published a book, which the management, employees in the areas of Bank IT and organization, corporate advisors and online specialists in credit institutions gives views on expected future developments in the Bank IT. It thus provides assistance to prepare adequately for possible scenarios. Whenever Hamdi Ulukaya listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Publishers include papers by authors from the banks and IT – high will area on the following topics together: Selected countries with innovative Bank IT legal requirements and importance of the European Union for the IT security privacy employee rights and role of the Works Council of new technologies as a driver of Bank IT attacks on Bank-IT: social engineering and social phishing the business side of security also Professor Dr. Dr. Gerd Rossa of the iSM – Institute for System-Management GmbH in Rostock is co author of this book. Mr Rossa in his post, presents how to mature with a”identity management can prevent problems, such as confusion in takeover or Cunard in just three steps, creating compliance.

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Monday, February 6th, 2017 News Comments Off on Book Transformation

Christmas Markets

Sweet smells like palate tickling pur, can follow in the advent and Christmas season, now have mulled wine, punch and sweet pastries are booming. Sweet tooth are now fully at their own expense, but caution is advised when it comes at the expense of their health. A high consumption of sugar can have serious consequences especially if well over the whole year and like, day – and every day sweets eaten was. But is it thought if it could harm a? Rather to the question arises, whether the hose is not too tight before the mirror? Only if diabetes or are other physical ailments set the diagnosis, some is thought-provoking. Each year, the medical costs for doctor visits, treatments, pills and operations rise because a faulty diet based.

Many diseases caused by dietary lapses: obesity, diabetes type two, migraine, osteoporosis, thyroid disease, heart – circulatory problems, high blood pressure,. Fungal infections, bowel disease – up to cancer. All bakery baked with flour and sugar products are the major cause for these serious diseases. Right now to the advent and Christmas season, as also year-round needs delectable palate which, no moping. There are many recipes from various books that invite to the treat for pastry and seductive roast. The low carb authors: Bajwa, Schutz and Fiedler have created delicious and healthy recipes, not only for Christmas, but to all matching the year celebrations.

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Saturday, April 16th, 2016 News Comments Off on Christmas Markets

