Archive for May, 2016
Dr. Leopoldo, doctor pensioner and unit family head, had much pride to occupy the rank of investigates of the building where it liveed has thirty years more than. He was one of the first inhabitants, having always made question to be cliente of all the questions of the condominium and in last the ten years, with intention to fill the time after to have if pensioner, it decided I investigate to candidatar itself it seguidamente having been elect for unamimity. Dr. Leopoldo lived alone in an ample apartment of four rooms in the Tijuca, that made question to conserve, no matter how hard its three children had insisted it to vender and if to move for a minor, when was widower, but it said that it would be good for keeping the great apartment to when the children they came to visit it with the grandsons and daughter-in-law, what its regret only happened in the Christmas and rare in the day of the parents and exactly thus, even so never demonstrated any type of insatisfao, never slept for there. After some years, the children had given up to try to make with that the father if moved. The activities of I investigate filled the time of that man still full solitary and of energy.
He was always to the front of that if he passed in the building, he had obtained to reduce the accounts of the condominium, at any time decided any problem of the day or the night, the inhabitants had never been so satisfied with one investigate and it felt itself carried through in its functions. Everything ran very well until a new inhabitant arrived and started to make an interminable workmanship causing some upheavals. The claims had started for the neighbor of apartment 901 that it had its room flooded for an emptying of the workmanship of from above floor.
If this already was a problem, more serious still was for the fact to have occurred to the three hours of the dawn not having the inhabitant hesitated in beating the door investigates of it in search of a solution. – Dr. Leopoldo It forgives me for the hour, but as he can see we have a problem it has, you that to come now with me The inhabitant said exactly pointing with respect to itself efusivamente. I investigate it that still it trembled for the scare to have been waked up in the way of the dawn, did not understand well what that pyjamas man and completely wet made in foot its door trying to convince to it to go with it wise person there pra where. – But what it has of so serious? What it was that had? Hablio, the inhabitant of apartment 901, did not give possibility investigates to it to withdraw it grasped and it for the arm and it dragged practically it until its apartment, saying that it had that to see with you sweat proper eyes what was happening. When arriving, the water already was for all the apartment, but already it had stopped to leak for the ceiling of the room and I investigate finally can understand it the desperation of the inhabitant who informed to it that he woke up with a water spurt on it and that before having IDO to wake up he tried it for some times, but without success, contact with from above neighbor.
There I am going now to see what it is transferred Dr. Leopoldo left in direction to apartment 1001 followed by Mr. Hablio. It thought for a moment that it would not have due to hour, but did not have another solution had that to touch the bell, blim blom – Good night, the one that I must the honor of the visit? They want to enter? The inhabitant of apartment 1001 took care of the door, rolled up in a towel, eating one enormous sandwich and nor seemed that it was in the way of the dawn, given the naturalness with that received its visitors.
Autistic Children
The children with selective mutismo possess adequate considered communicative ability in determined contexts, what she does not occur in children with autismo. medical 2.5Condies associates to the autismo In the current days, what more it has deserved the attention of the investigators becomes related with the thematic ones in the scope of the area of the genetics and in the paper of the genetic factors that affect the autismo. GILLBERG (1989) salient that even so it has indications of some biological shunting line that folloies the autismo, did not identify until the moment no specific marker. Moreover, some found neurobiolgicas alterations in autistas also can appear in normal individuals, what it makes it difficult the valuation of these findings In the autismo cases where biological abnormalitys are gifts, SCHWARTZMAN (1995) stand out that the establishment of causal relation between them and the autismo picture cannot, however to be affirmed. Some clinical conditions have been associates to the autismo and the importance of genetic factors investigated.
JAMAIN et. al., 2003; MANNING et al. 2004; VINCENT et al., 2000; WASSINK and PIVEN, 2000) explain that some alterations of chromosomes 7, 15, 22 and X already had been described in the autistas children. SCHWARTZMAN (they idem) salient that the presence of factors involved daily pay and perinatais in gnese of the autismo has been object of study of many works. Some conditions that can be associates to the Autismo, as ASSUMPO (1993) are: accesses of anger, agitation, aggressiveness, auto aggression, absence of fear in reply the real perigos, catatonia, complications daily pay, peri and after-Christmases, auditory autodestrutivos behaviors, dficits of attention, dficits, dficits in the perception and have controlled engine, dficits visual, epilepsy (Syndrome of West), schizophrenia, hidrocefalia, hiperatividade, impulsiveneness, irritability, macrocefalia, microcefalia, cerebral paralysis, modified answers the sensorial stimulatons, mental retardation, extreme fear in reply the harmless objects, upheaval of feeding, upheaval of anxiety, upheaval of language, upheaval of estereotipado movement, upheaval of tique, affective upheaval of the mood/, upheaval of sleep.
Environment Training
Beyond what, an initiative of these without the corresponding controls and evaluation, can discourage the employees to use the computer to learn, and the entrepreneurs, directors and controlling to invest in a more including and serious system. In ours to understand, the first step, is the organization to decide if it wants to have plus a training program, or if it wants to have a system of qualification and development of talentos. If the option will be for having plus a training program, expects that this decision is based on conclusion of the necessity presented for occasion of the development of a qualification system and development of talentos. In case that contrary, the success of this training is questionable and the application of the acquired knowledge () it will not have as to be measured. If on the other hand, the option will be for having a qualification system and development of talentos, that is what we recommend, the first thing if to make is to break the traditional paradigms of training. In the graph below, we describe the complete project of an adequate system: We go to detail all the components of this graph: For Environment of Aprendizagem (AA), we understand to be that one that the organizations conscientiously develop and that it has for objective to propitiate to all in the organization, independently of the hierarchic level, the chance to increase its knowledge and instruction. This characteristic clearly is identified through concrete actions, such as: creation and development of courses of alfabetizao supplementary; financial incentive through scholarships for graduation and after-graduation; creation of fixed and circulating libraries; rooms of study and periodical reading and magazines general techniques and subjects; operational and administrative training; access to the Internet and others. But this implemented action is not enough to have all if the same ones will be independent, without a formal organization, and they will not have an objective measurable macro and.
Living with Parkinsons
Another situation observed in developing of this article is that the family can be considered the responsible one for the depression, instead of giving the support, the support and the affection that the sick one in such a way needs and that it can have the same effect of medicines. It is important to remember and to understand not only that, as not yet exists cure for the illness, this pathology can and must be treated, fighting the symptoms, as well as delaying its progress. Thus being, great ' ' arma' ' of the medicine today to fight the Parkinson it consists of the remedies and surgeries, beyond the fisioterapia, the occupational therapy and the fonoaudiologia, among others professional, therefore through the performance of a team to multidiscipline is possible to provide to the patient a good quality of life, funcionabilidade and auto-esteem. In virtue of all the difficulties lived deeply for the carrier of Parkinson and while science searchs to discover the cure for an illness that still can have the depression as incapacity factor, that comes to modify in such a way life of a human being as well as of its familiar ones, an alternative to minimize this suffering would be to invest in the quality of life. It is important also to follow the medical indications, to make physical exercises, to develop activities to the outdoors, to have the concern of if to keep mentally active, enters as much other activities that can help to improve the quality of life either of the sick people of Parkinson either of its families. The occupational therapy, the practical one of some activities that are used areas of the brain is recommended and can very contribute and improve the quality of life. The illness of Parkinson cannot be faced as the end, must before, to be faced as the walked beginning of a long one, of where if they wait to leave winners. .
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