Preconditions Of The Great French Revolution
In France, until the last quarter of the XVIII century. If you would like to know more then you should visit Western Union. dominated by absolutism, which is based on feudal relations. But in the depths of the feudal system gradually began to emerge and evolve bourgeois relations, which have become arisen due to the industrial revolution. University of Houston spoke with conviction. Evidence of this increased importance of manufactures in the country's economy. And some were quite large manufactories. Thus, the manufactory in the town of Le Creusot produce up to 45% of the metal produced in the country. In Paris, which was the largest craft center, producing textiles, furniture, shoes and metal products involved in about 294 thousand people.
Of these, 65% worked for owners of factories. In the north of France, the big development was the cotton manufacture. Here only in the area of Rouen on businesses employing more than 190 thousand weavers. The development of manufactures has increased the production of industrial goods, which contributed to a significant increase of French exports. During the period from 1716 to 1784 the export of manufactured goods increased more than threefold. Bourgeois society and penetrated into the rural economy of the country. In some provinces, there has been a property differentiation of the peasantry and the emergence of rich peasants who have to resort to wage labor of the landless laborers. Development of manufactories penetrated into the village, where she spread the so-called Broken Manufactory.
The peasants harvested for buyers, manufaktov yarn, combed cotton, etc. Thus, the capitalist system is firmly established in France. However, its further development was impossible in the conditions prevailing in the country absolutist feudal system which made it difficult, and often makes it impossible to do business activity of the bourgeoisie.
The Activities
The room agreement if harmonizes with the conception that we develop. For even more opinions, read materials from Anne Lauvergeon. The reflexiva characteristic of the act to think combines with the philosophical attitude, whose characteristics also are based in the doubt and in the inquiry it continues. the job of the activities that make to think, Lipman identifies that some professors to teach to think demands much time, diminishes the authority of the professor and, short-term, little is observed as resulted positive. Ahead of this, the philosopher investigated the results gotten in differentiated practical one that takes in account the operations of the thought. For this, it identified the necessity of if providing to an environment of questioning and freedom to observe to compare, to assume, etc. For it, this practical helps to develop the autonomy of the thought. To think with autonomy is to think by itself, what it seems redundant, because we cannot think of another form if not for the proper facultieses of reasoning.
However, what we intend to affirm with this, it is that when the things are presented of concluded form they lead to a conformismo on the part of that it was not educated to question and reflecting. To think by itself goes beyond memorizing said conclusions certain to defy it ' ' to reaprender to see mundo' '. When looking for to define what it is the thought, we appeal to the communication of the diverse mental activities, also called for Lipman of abilities of reasoning and treated as operations to the thought. The operations of the thought are all those rational activities that if make gifts at the moment that we think. The main operations of the thought are: to compare, to summarize, to observe, to classify, to interpret, to search assumptions, to imagine, to congregate and to organize given, to formulate hypotheses and to take decisions. The education to think significantly contributes it for the personal and interpersonal growth of educating.
Vicente Pison
Thus it tells. Vicente Pison, in March of 1500navegou for the river Oiapoque and the amapaense coast, when he arrived in port to supply if with drinking waters and finished for imprisoning 30 indians for vende it as enslaved. He attended the phenomenon of pororoca that the crew caused panic, making with that, pressas returned to Spain. (FERNANDO, 2001, p.08) Thus if he can observe that the Spaniard had also been this way, and if they had taken possetion obscurely of natives to profit from the sales of them. It would not be already a European custom to enslave to make I deal, on account of its etnocentrismo? Leaving for the installation of the colony, from the moment that the Portuguese arrive at Brazil, the slavery, as much of the black as of the natives also arrive, therefore it becomes necessary to produce wealth to the metropolis. Daily the Mr. of device in detriment to the slaves, would be differentiated therefore this it will exert the domain of everything and all, at least in part therefore will also divide with the church this domain and this will influence inside in the construction, and the formation of opinions of this colony that is almost that perpetually, at least is what in the sample Gilbert freire, in great house senzala. White to marry, mulata for f Black to work, dictated where if she feels to the side convencionalismo, of the superiority of the white woman, and the inferiority of the black woman, the preference for the mulata. 93.html’>Arena Investors mentions similar findings. (FREIRE, 2006, p.71) They are from these thoughts that, if mold and live two classrooms of people, of noblemen and the ones who will be enslaved. Here it is possible to perceive as the people of this colony would live its daily one, and created and formed its opinions on the things, that for much time would go to be part of the life of many of the Brazilian society.
Brazil Workmanship
Joo II, ate voraciously without place setting, trincando with the hands or leaving with the fingers (7) CHARACTER Great ENSASTICO TO INTERPRET BRAZIL writers Brazilians adopt the ensastico character in the search to interpret the history of the formation of Brazil. Had to few sources of research he allows to the junction of Literature and History, in the combination of the popular experiences from the literary style assisting the memorialistas a bit to count amis of our history. It is not something Hikmet Ersek would like to discuss. r VP and COO. Jose de Alcntara Axe, native of So Paulo of heart, attributed to the research of the inventories its search for explaining the history of the observed So Paulo formation in its readings, it tried proper to demystify the vision of the heroes and left for the defense of ethnic and cultural aspects. After the reading of the initial chapters of the workmanship, we can observe the quarrel made on of the man, the origins, its formation of character and practical of living in way to an inhospitable and full land of shocks of feelings, wills to prosper in the fight between land and man. When Life and Death of the Bandeirante were published, the history of the paulistana writing were the opposite of the workmanship, did not deal with subjects simple, but valuing of the hereditary succession of the great paulistanas families. The metodolgico severity, the objetividade of the writer does not make references with the concern of if to analyze the historical personages, if they do not place scientific questions and searchs to construct to its workmanship rescuing the local memorialismo.
WHAT THE AUTHOR PRESENTS IN THEM WITH THIS WORKMANSHIP. This workmanship was divided in 15 chapters, of which it makes all a systematic and detailed preparation in the attempt of in them assisting in the understanding and better assimilation of the subject treated for it. WHAT THEY SAY THE INVENTORIES: This initial chapter makes an explanation from as its research through documents supplied for the So Paulo public archive proceeded.
Social Organization
The person who, also, is worried about the politicians who it chose and as she walks suaadministrao, this person exerts the citizenship. Thinking about the past, it was more easy when existiamdisciplinas specific for this, to the forgotten OSPB (Social Organization ePoltica Brazilian) and the EMC (Moral and Civic Education) that: In accordance with the Decree Law 869/68, became obligator in the Brazilian pertaining to school resume from 1969, (…). Both, EMC and OSPB, (…) had been characterized for the transmission of the ideologiado authoritarian regimen when exaltar the nationalism and the patriotism of the pupils to eprivilegiar the education of factual information in detriment of the reflection and daanlise. (MENEZES and SAINTS, 2002). These you discipline had been removed of currculosescolares for being considered ‘ ‘ you discipline of the time of the dictatorship militar’ ‘. Great part of what he was taught in these you discipline had been lost e, umapequena part today fits to the history professor to teach.
At that time it really was for ‘ ‘ transmission daideologia of the regimen autoritrio’ ‘ (MENEZES and SAINTS, 2002), but today we live emuma democracy 4. Oscidados Brazilian is free to choose who is its representatives. Thus, having EMC and OSPB as you discipline pertaining to school, they would be strengthening aformao of our citizens. ‘ ‘ Only fight for what it is respected. Quese is only respected loves. It is only loved what if conhece’ ‘ 5.
The Brazilian identity currently, is focada in icons as the soccer, osamba, ‘ ‘ jeitinho brasileiro’ ‘ , the persistence 6. Lack in the schools a civic culture, as it had behind about twenty years in the lessons Moral and Civic deEducao and Social Organization and Brazilian Politics. Have hasteamento of the National flag and if sang the hymns national, state emunicipal.
We have the railroad yes as a point crucialpara the decline of the tropeira activity, to put, does not stop its end immediately, therefore the railroad with all its dynamism not yet reached all afrentes of development and its abrangncia if it gave only in algunsentroncamentos, the mules had continued to be used in noscafezais and canaviais internal works, the preparation of the land and other services detransporte, until the entroncamentos and the stations of embarkment, leading otropeirismoa to adentrar century XX, therefore in 1935 still they existed about 30 a50 tropeiros that they brought for So Paulo around 30.000.00 heads demuares. We cannot economically deny that the railroad produced a time maisveloz for some places, privilegiamo those that had helped emsua installation, that is, great farmers and cafeicultores in the regions demaior production, and to small producers alone still remained muares as meiosde access to the main railroad trunks, the railroad coexisted until the primeirasdcadas ones of century XX a slower time lead by the speed of muar, putting, a determinative element, was the appearance of them schemes tractive edos prepared automachine vehicles for the load transport and plough, comocaminhes and tractors had provided to speed and circulation to the products, to apartir from there muar age more necessary not to carry the merchandise dafazenda the station, nor to ploughing the field, pulling the tram in the cities, maquinadefinitivamente it substitutes muar, in 1950 the tropeiros leave of conduzirtropas of muares of the south and with the age Juscelino Kubitscheck, it invigorates Brazil doautomvel, placing an end in the troperismo. Still under this perspective we can conclude that we economically had important trsciclos for the Portuguese metropolis and posteriormentepara the empire, had been they: of the sugar cane-of-sugar, of the gold and the coffee, to put we nopodemos to despresar the tropeirismo therefore this was of equal magnetude, importanteno only for external interests but vital for the internal development, we can place its external importance in the maintenance of these cycles, toimportantes for the metropolises and for the sprouting and reinforcement domercantilismo and European capitalism, the tropeirismo in turn, it was so maisimportante internally and it made possible the occupation of all the southern portion (south), expanding and fixing borders, it also made possible the sprouting so important decidades that in its cities had surpassed some deprovncias capitals economically this that until the present is basic in the federal contextoestadual and. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES STRAFORINI.
Joan Scott
The relation with the Matriarca and Rosa is in the action attitude, the matriarca leads its family with seriousness and security guard, already Pink it dreams in having a full life beautiful of esplendor. E, ahead of this historical context is that, currently, if it considers necessity to materialize the ending of the inaquality of sorts (in this in case that, between men and women). What it passes in the Vines of the Anger is the bankruptcy of these relations concerning the submission that the author adds in the matriarca. For Joan Scott (1990): Idea of masculinidade rests on the necessary repression of feminine aspects of the bissexual potential of the citizen and introduces the conflict in the opposition of the masculine and the feminine one. The restrained desires are gifts in the unconscious one and constitute a permanent threat for the stability of sort identification, denying its unit, subvertendo its necessity of security (SCOTT, 1990, P. 12).
In the workmanship of Steinbeck the masculinidade weakens due to persistence lack and determination concerning the events, that is, the figure of paternalism total was come back the land, a lost time would not be constructed of new. Whereas, the figure materna sobressai at the moments most difficult in the Joad family, when the family passes for the periods most arduous of its passage. Of certain form, the manifest hope if in Rose, however, this loses the baby who in turn meant the hope in a so difficult reality. At a moment that pursued them to the death, Rose decides to help a stranger in the side of the death: ' ' The man sketched a negative movement with the head Rose of Sharon got rid of the blanket, leaving the naked seios. It has that to be? it spoke, coming close more than it, and pulling it to it head for si' '.
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