Archive for November, 2017

Pupil Evaluation

Hoffmann (2003) clarifies that many conscientious masters of the referring problem to the avaliativa form, criticizes such method, however in practical its as classroom regent exerts an improvised and arbitrary avaliativa action. This contradiction happens because the models and methodologies applied in the evaluation are not genuinely Brazilian. Therefore, the educators must understand that the evaluation is the reflection transformed into action. Therefore they need to follow the steps of educating in the trajectory of the construction of knowing, looking for to reflect why the pupil thinks thus of this or of that form. from reformulating questions based on the learning of each learning there. Hoffmann (2003) in the alert one that all professor must constantly evaluate the educative action in the indagativo and investigativo direction, following all the steps of the pupil in walked its of construction of the knowledge. students receive the concepts or notes without questionings, not allowing that educandos and educators have a relation of interaction from the joint reflection. As educators we must understand the difficulties of the pupils, taking them to reflect it on the world and conduziz them it the reconstruction of a bigger number of truths.

Initial regents of the infantile education and series, in its majority, feel difficulties in giving notes because they day-by-day follow the development of the educandos. From the moment that we evaluate we act as in an act politician, exactly when we do not intend it. The evaluation as practical routine and classificatria is understood as judgment of results. Considering the mediating attitude of the evaluation, the learning of the pupil, as much in the writing how much in the orality, if it has constituted the primordial concern of the educator. The success or the failure of the learning is visible by means of the valuation or indifference that the school has with the society. To the times what it predominates in the pertaining to school environment they are the methods perverse and exculpatory avaliativos.


Wednesday, November 29th, 2017 News Comments Off on Pupil Evaluation

GGF Pension Provisions

Press release by the febs Consulting GmbH, March 23, 2010 In connection with the introduction of the BilMoG is generally assumed summer out, that pension increase. In particular at GGF pension commitments must not be but. Proper design and choice of the appropriate method of valuation can even reduce the commercial law provisions in many cases. So far has been omitted it mostly to avoid a simultaneous tax resolution of pension provisions in the tax balance sheet. Because R6 paragraph 20 EStR regulates the commercial provision as a tax ceiling is to be.

By letter of March 12, 2010 the BMF has divided with now, that this regime no longer to apply is. The circular letter therefore allows designs to reduce the commercial law provisions without influence on the tax-deductible amounts. Lower commercial provisions facilitate the full netting with plan assets, prevent a weakening of the Equity and can lead to a significant improvement in credit conditions. Since the measures to be taken each depend on the individual circumstances of the individual commitments, febs Consulting GmbH from now on behalf of by GGF pension benefits BilMoG checks proposals also design to the reduzierung of the commercial law provisions. “This and many other tax issues are detailed on April 28, 2010 in our seminar – GGF II: analysis, restructuring and outsourcing existing GGF commitments” treated. Learn more about our seminars, see seminars. Your contact of febs Consulting GmbH Andreas Buttler CEO in the high field 3 85630 Grasbrunn/Munchen Tel. 089 / 890 42 86-10 as we employers in all questions relating to pension and TimeValue accounts consult independent experts. We analyze and refurbish existing power plants, create actuarial balance advice and support Employers in the implementation of the new balance of power.


Friday, November 17th, 2017 News Comments Off on GGF Pension Provisions

Fertility Tips

Ovulation – is the output of a mature egg from the ovary to rupture of the follicle – the bubble in which there was an egg. on the egg falls into the lumen of the fallopian tube. where there is a process fertilization – to merge it with sperm. Sperm cells differ in their properties. Sperm carrying the male Y-chromosome are more mobile than those who have the X chromosome, so they are able to achieve egg first.

So that the Y-sperm would seem to have an advantage. But, getting in acidic vaginal Y-sperm cells are unstable and quickly die, opening the way to its slow X-fellows. Turns. sperm with the X-chromosome are more viable because of the structural features of the shell and can 'sit' in the fallopian tube waiting for ovulation to 3 days. Spermatozoa with Y-chromosome are not able to wait at all. However, the closer day of ovulation, the more alkaline vaginal secretions and become the survival probability Y-sperm above. on the basis of any theory. stating that during sexual intercourse, occurring 1-3 days before ovulation, less durable Y-sperm and egg are killed with a greater proportion of the probability of X-fertilized by sperm, then there is a girl.

And if sexual intercourse immediately before ovulation occurs or immediately after it, then most likely it's a boy, as more mobile and faster Y-sperm are faster 'dobegut' till egg published. Condition for this calculation is a precise definition of the date of ovulation. for this there several ways: simple tests to determine ovulation, the study of cervical mucus, basal body temperature measurement and the most authentic – .

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Saturday, November 11th, 2017 News Comments Off on Fertility Tips


Many people ask this particular phenomenon, which have become popular because of Archimedes is known by the name of Eureka, whose meaning can be translated as "I found" I'm here studying and experiencing the topic of creative development for a very long time. In general, there is full awareness in the West into thinking that the phenomenon goes as follows: 1 – Much time spent on researching a topic, much elaboration and finding information, organizing information, connections between different data. Call it a process of maturation. 2 – In a moment of calm, very quiet, when in fact the issue before us does not seem to be present within a factor appears incomprehensible that organizes that information in a special way. Then we made the light, see the Eureka! Apparently, all those who have tried to give a rational explanation for this fact, end up saying that despite the calm, the mind is still working, while sleeping, or at times of relaxation.

What happens? There is a passage from the unconscious to consciousness? That seems like the answer given by most scientists. However, those who have played tennis, golf, soccer or riding we have done, if we have been very attentive probably more than once we've seen that putt, the hole in one if you have done, always has the best jump happened without the intervention of the mind. Also if we paid enough attention many times we have found that the intervention of the mind does fail or hit or jump or play goal. .


Thursday, November 9th, 2017 News Comments Off on Eureka


The second leaf contained a large and handsome list of topics covered in the magazine, but who reads these lists? A third – an invoice for payment, of course! We now turn to 'Network resources'. I decided to penetrate the heart of the matter and to reinforce his desire to write a new journal … Home is full of enticing headline "The minimum cost for maximum attention ',' Staff, the buyer and sale under the control of 'very pleased' Demography and demogogiya '… I thought perhaps a new term DM – demogogiya, open – not just a grammatical error in the article. So I walked, went to headline … Everywhere one and the same principle. Any article (or rather promotional excerpt from the article) is composed of three or four paragraphs: the first – a description of your dream on the subject under discussion, for example, take the 'minimum cost for maximum attention', it will be a 'media on its own broadcast your announcement.

Internet edition reprint your articles from magazines and newspapers. How to achieve that interest the media and the public? What this should be a PR-campaign? '. Second or third paragraph, the phrase always starts' The answers to these questions and more can be found …', you know, in the pages of 'marketing pro'. And the last paragraph is always the same … I even bring it here, 'Article … you'll find in th ..- room "Marketing PRO. In order to have each month to receive the actual information you need for your career.


Tuesday, November 7th, 2017 News Comments Off on Demography

