Archive for December, 2013
History The need to build a third airport in Tuxtla Gutierrez area increased significantly in the early 90’s because the two existing airports not fully resolve the needs of commercial air traffic for the city. To beginning of this century the construction project was taking shape and on 27 June 2006, the new airport was inaugurated Angel Albino Corzo. The piece was the result of an investment of 825 million pesos (72.2 million), of which 49 was 51 federal funds and state. As a result of the implementation of this airport, the air base known as No. 6 Teran Francisco Sarabia Airport, returned to his role as a military airbase and Llano San Juan Airport completely closed its doors to commercial and civil aviation.During the opening ceremony, chaired by the then President of the Republic Vicente Fox Quesada and the State Governor Pablo Salazar Mendiguchia landing took place on the inaugural commercial flight on Aviacsa 6A-234 from Tapachula of a Boeing 737-201/Adv Registration: XA-TVL. The first takeoff was of the same aircraft bound for Mexico City. Although, since its inauguration is known as an international airport, was until July21, 2008 when officially won this category.The first landing of a non-commercial international flight took place on 7 September that same year receiving the Canadian football team who would face in a game against the Mexican national team at the Estadio Victor Manuel Reyna in Tuxtla Gutierrez. In February 2009, Aeromexico has announced the introduction, from July 3 daily flights from Mexico City to the airport, however, the airline decided in June to suspend the opening of flights indefinitely. The Mexicana Airlines has greatly expanded its operations at this airport since 2009.MexicanaClick chose Angel Albino Corzo Airport to debut its new fleet of Boeing 717’s on the road Tuxtla Gutierrez – Mexico City – Tuxtla Gutierrez from 1 April 2009. Additionally, in July MexicanaLink subsidiary launched two daily flights Oaxaca and Guadalajara in August it was announced that the backbone of Mexican resume the route to Mexico City with three flights a day from October and launched two daily flights to Merida. It is anticipated that in March 2010 to start direct service to Houston, Texas, operated by Continental Airlines, through its Continental Express subsidiary.
Equity Investments
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Equity Investments
Indiana’s government is facing a serious problem after having been elevated to category of government: the complete lack of economic resources . , and the absence of revenue-generating benefits to the state. The only source of government revenue was a small property tax, which was implemented quickly as an emergency measure, and that he found great resistance from the farmers of the State, which barely managed to generate sufficient returns for their self? Because of the isolated location of the region, far from consumer markets, and lack of adequate transport. Indiana’s government would receive economic aid from the federal government during the 1820s, who spent wildly in various programs. The uncontrolled costs had severely indebted to the government of Indiana in just two decades, and many of these programs will never be completed.
In 1818, Indiana acquired its present boundaries, when the United States purchased from Native Americans the center-west region of Indiana, which included the area where he currently is located the city of Indianapolis. In 1819, was permanently installs the first European to the region where currently located Indianapolis, a city that was officially founded in 1821, and who happen to be officially the capital of the state in 1824, thanks to its central location.
Utopian vision of New Harmony (Table 1838).
In 1825, a reformist Scots, Robert Owen, founded New Harmony, planning to create a community, and the start of a new social system, as well as the installation of various rules and coorperacion joint between its inhabitants. New Harmony would be governed by progressive ideas, which were unknown at that time. Although it had some success during its first months, the lack of cooperation among residents caused the end of the experiment, in 1827.
The economic conditions of the state? Difficult until then? began to improve gradually from the 1830s with the construction of navigation channels, connecting the rivers of Indiana with the Great Lakes (until then, agricultural products were transported by the Mississippi River, to New Orleans). The construction of railways in Indiana, from the end of the 1840s, economic growth accelerates in the state, and made to be installed in the state more immigrants and residents of eastern U.S.. The first railroad in Indiana, built between Indianapolis and Madison, was inaugurated in 1847.
During the 1850s, Indiana already had an extensive rail network that connects with the rest of the country, and an agricultural industry consolidated and frank growth. In 1852, the Studebaker Brothers created an industrial plant for manufacturing rail wagons in South Bend. The company’s industrial brothers, the Studebaker, then it would become the largest manufacturer of railway wagons of the country.
In 1861, estallaria the American Civil War. Indiana, whose population was at its most great abolitionist, participate actively on the side of the Union, the United States itself, against the Confederate States of America. The only conflict in Indiana was the Battle of Corydon, in 1863, which took place in Corydon.
After the war, daria an economic recession in the agricultural sector of the state, mainly caused by the low prices of agricultural commodities and high prices of transportation. All of this debt to many farmers, many of whom moved to cities. The agricultural sector would recover only Indiana during the 1890s. However, the creation of the Studebaker and the Civil War had spurred the construction of various industrial establishments, during and after the civil war. In 1886, the discovery of sources of natural gas in Indiana attracted various industrial companies. In 1889, founded the Standard Oil Company which was then one of the largest oil refinery in the world, at Whiting. That same year, Benjamin Harrison, Indianapolis, grandson of William Henry Harrison, would be invested president of the United States. In the late nineteenth century, manufacturing was already by far the largest source of income for Indiana, and about 30% of the state’s population lived in cities.
Europe Packaging
By the compactness of packing is removable molded, folded, etc. Also, packaging can vary in color, texture, texture of the upper layer, transparency and appearance. 2. Advantages carton Despite the high competition from other packaging materials, especially polymers, the most popular type of packaging in Russia and in Europe is paper and cardboard. Board has a number of obvious advantages. First of all, thanks to its rigidity it is possible create packages of various designs. Also cardboard container is lightweight, low price.
It is economical, versatile and environmentally friendly. Due to their properties, cardboard is an excellent material for manufacture of consumer and transport packaging. To date, the characteristics of a single classification board does not exist, therefore, to select the optimum packaging must have an understanding of basic characteristics of the material. The main indicators of quality paperboard include its thickness, mass, bulk, density and hardness. Bulk (spressovannost) – is the amount of cardboard per unit weight.
The higher the figure, more easily formed on the packaging folds. Density – the ratio of weight to the square cardboard sheet. By understanding the resistance of the strain stiffness. Depending on the direction of the fibers, the stiffness can be longitudinal and transverse. The highest rates of stiffness has cardboard, made from cellulose without the addition of waste paper. Keep in mind that an extra strong and stiff cardboard is not only a high cost, but to Unfortunately, and increased fragility. For the production of consumer packaging is very important indicators such as smoothness and brightness of the surface of the cardboard. The white surface ensures high contrast image press. For the production of transport packaging is a key indicator of the stability of cardboard to the outside of physical and chemical attack. For example, to create a package which is resistant to moisture or fat, it is necessary use cardboard, with a special coating. 3. Transport and consumer packaging company from Schekinobumprom Schekinobumprom produces all kinds of transportation, and consumer cartons. The most common type of container, which is widely used in all areas of production, are folding cartons and corrugated boxes. The main field of application – packing food products, pharmaceutical products, products of chemical industry, etc. Their main advantages are low cost and ease of implementation of the basic operations: manufacturing, assembly, filling products capping, stacking. Schekinobumprom company offers a wide range of corrugated boxes all sizes and in any quantity, while also providing an opportunity to bear a full-color flexographic printing. For the production of used corrugated boxes corrugated brands TU, T-21 T-22 T-23. T-24, P-31, P-32 and P-33, white and brown colors, as well as cardboard. As you know, modern packaging is not only protective and informative functions. Today, packaging – is extension product, a component of his image in the market. A beautiful gift box will provide spectacular beauty products, toiletries, liquor-vodka products, kitchenware, linens and clothes. Cartons of classical forms and unusual configurations will be a memorable addition to the bright themselves gifts – gifts, business accessories, stationery and others. Also in stock are made of cardboard boxes with office printing, as well as from laminated corrugated cardboard and. The company not only manufactures Schekinobumprom a gift box of various shapes and sizes, but also engaged in the creation of corporate identity and package design.
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