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The Force
So far three forces that differ fundamentally have been identified in nature between if for its origins and magnitude. I hope that ye teachers and students of the causes fall more than three. 1) Gravitational force, 2) the electromagnetic force, 3) and nuclear forces. We consider the motion of a body falling freely. The direction of motion coincides with the direction of the field. As the intensity of the field it is given by the expression. G = F / M, F = MG. And in such conditions, the body falls under the action of a constant force, implying that its motion is uniformly accelerated.
When the body is thrown vertically upward, acts on the force exerted by the gravitational field that gives it an acceleration in the opposite direction to their movement and as a consequence, body ascent rate decreases progressively, until cancelled. And the body is at its height maximum since the movement changes direction and the body falls. You can observe that these forces can appreciate the consequences that produces movement. No movement forces would be completely null and void, because even when the bodies are found on a surface, the force of gravity prints a motion on such bodies which tend towards the Earth. Which allows us to think that even when the force exists if not It has internal movements in it which transformed it into energy, it is impossible to determine mathematically as metaphysically. I think the rubbing of bodies on Earth occurs by sequences of magnetic movements which are attracted by the gravity of the universe and not Earth’s gravity. Because gravity is not found on Earth is in the universe, what is happening is that some planets receive more force by the universe and others receive less this depends on the distances of the universe to its center of explosion, since the universe continues continuously exploding and creating new matter. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Publishers Clearing House.
Terrestrial Magnetism
TERRESTRIAL magnetism and its change of POLARITY when the North Pole is at the South Pole the magnetism of the Earth is a kind of invisible radiation that originates in the center of the planet and extends into outer space, protecting the planet from the solar winds. In addition, terrestrial magnetism helps us to guide us with a compass or serves animals in their migratory journeys. Thredup understood the implications. However currently the magnetic poles of the earth does not coincide with the geographical poles, as the Earth’s magnetic field varies according to the geological eras. During the last five million years have been more than twenty investments, not knowing is when will be the next, because this does not follow a regular sequence. Having discovered a weakening accused of Earth’s magnetic field, assumes that you no discard a next reversal of the poles. In fact there are places where the magnetic field is already invested, for example in the South Atlantic.
Where, is something that no scientist can say with accuracy. Through simulations, we know that in a reversal of the Poles, that it is not another thing that the Poles shift position, terrestrial magnetic field is chaotic for many years. And as the magnetic field acts as a shield against cosmic radiation, in case of its weakening, solar winds will reach the Earth with much more intensity, with corresponding implications for life, i.e. concentrated emission of Gamma Rays would kill if not to all, Yes to many living beings. Even is not known with certainty if the human body could continue to exist with the way that know it, since without the magnetism in the body, the life is not possible. Animal and the vegetable worlds would suffer equally major modifications.
The book origin and formation of diseases, published 25 years ago by the publishing house Das Word given through the actual prophetic Word, can be read as follows: terrestrial magnetic fields are areas of vibration of different types, that as a whole it is called Earth’s magnetic field. The neuralgic points of the Earth, and at the same time they are mirrors of the inhabited planet. Between their magnetic fields and magnetic fields of the Earth, there is a constant reciprocal action. Every continent has its special magnetic field, which according to its there accumulated metals, minerals and riches of the subsoil, emits vibrations that are transmitted by the magnetic currents to whole earth and all that lives on it: men, animals, plants and stones in this you can see that even with modern science and obtained numerous advancesstill cannot be understood at all what the spirit of God us transmitted at that time, for example that the consequences of our destructive behavior with the environment, it must be from a more long-term perspective of what we can imagine today. Especially that diseases have to do with the destruction of the planet Earth. Also that if we destroy the magnetic fields, we destroy also our body. Something about what we should reflect, since man is part of nature, a component of the Earth and therefore it is logical to imagine that what we do to the Earth, our place of origin, we are doing us us same.Juan Lama Ortega original author and source of the article.
Best Time
The best time to invest in Peru with a new ETF 27 July 2009 a few days ago we graciously received from one of our readers from Peru, an opinion survey by the University of Lima between the 18 and 19 July, the population of Lima and Callao Region, with very interesting results that allow you to do an x-ray of the situation in Peru today. Between revealing data not surprised me too when I saw the fall in the discharge of Alan Garcia as President. The discharge of strongly fell from 38.3% to 31.9%. Probably the social conflicts came together with the deterioration of the product of the international financial crisis economy and resulted in tremendous fall in the presidential image. Often in my articles acknowledge the multiple successes of Alan Garcia management that has resulted in an economy that has managed to grow vigorously in recent years and has begun to show evidence of economic development thanks to sound policies in regard to macroeconomic stability and the predictability of the rules of the game.
Despite this, the social debt is the main outstanding current account. Just these two elements are seen clearly when pollsters exposed responses on the evaluation of the management of Alan Garcia, according to the social stratum to which belongs who responds to it. What is observed is that citizens belonging to the higher social stratum, 51.1% approve the management of Alan Garcia, while at the other end, the poorest, only 21.8% approval it. A fact that struck me is related to the management of Luis Carranza as Minister of economics. Despite the deterioration that observes the economy in recent months product of the crisis, its approval level has grown in a very significant way reaching 43.6% of respondents currently. The range of approval according to social stratum runs from 64.9% to the stratum of higher incomes up to 34.5% for the lower social stratum.
The Same
Delving deeper: the trip is for 1 single person and you have to deposit 100 to make the reservation, that you back then even if you discounted (35 euros) by the management.The trip is 4 days and 3 nights in 3 or 4 star hotel in regime of automatics. (comrades @ 400 euros). In the event you go sol@,deberas share a room with another person, but want to share it and ask for a single room will have to pay a supplement of (199 euros). The flight leaves from Barcelona or Madrid.Los that we don’t live there, will have to pay for the trip from your city to the city of departure of the flight.(They only pay the transfer resulting in the same city).Rates and increase of fuel remain at our expense.(60 euros). It can happen due to departure times have to do night in that city. The cancellation insurance fee (25 euros) per person. You have to do before a minimum order to Venca (25-30 euros).
According to e. indagado hotels tend to be located in areas where there is not any tourist attraction, with which you’re forced to hire the excursions offered. You gotta pay you lunches and dinners. WHERE THIS FREE TRAVEL? This post could also be titled: what does not say their free trips venca. Fuente:COSA de Cadiz. Original author and source of the article.
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