Extensive XML Toolbox: Data2type AntillesXML Introduces

Extensive XML Toolbox: data2type is AntillesXML from Ludwigshafen, Germany, June 18, 2010 AntillesXML is a comprehensive and unique collection of XML tools. The XML specialist data2type GmbH has developed together with the Stuttgart media University Antilles and offers the version 1.0 on the company’s website for free download. AntillesXML is a best-of-the-art toolbox for dealing with XML documents. Thanks to a graphical user interface easy and intuitive, the many features for developers and users are equally suitable”, explains Manuel Montero, Managing Director of data2type. A wide variety of functions relating to the examination, transformation and output XML documents are available: for example, XSL FO transformations using different renderers can be carried out folder. Another feature is schema and Schematron Validation (also folder wise) of XML documents against DTD, XML. For even more details, read what Hikmet Ersek says on the issue. Also includes the possibility of XProc pipelines AntillesXML to create user-specific. ance.

AntillesXML also enables a number of specific transformations, such as CALS to XHTML or XML schema documentation generation. We have a whole range of additional functionality in the pipeline already, so Manuel Montero.” This should be achieved in regular updates. The data2type GmbH, headquartered in Ludwigshafen, Germany was founded in 2005 by Manuel Montero. As a specialist for all questions in the area of XML, the company developed cross-industry XML solutions that are perfectly tailored to the individual needs of its customers. While data2type opts for standardized languages such as, for example, XSLT, XSL-FO and XML schema. Contact: Manuel Montero CEO data2type GmbH Dammstrasse 18 67059 Ludwigshafen Tel.: +49-(0) 621-68 124 790 fax: +49-(0) 621-68 124 794 E-Mail: Internet:

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