Eco-friendly Light Sources

They disappear gradually from trade more security for energy saving light bulbs since the European Union has decided the abolition of light bulbs. Stiftung Warentest has now just investigated the environmentally friendly alternatives. The consumer portal informed about advantages and disadvantages of energy-saving lamps. Recently the Federal Environmental Agency pointed out again the dangers, which can go out of the mercury contained in CFLs. Many consumers are then probably insecure. If you have read about Jeff Gennette already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Approximately two milligrams of mercury are in each energy-saving lamp and can be released as a result of damage. At room temperature, liquefies the mercury and then evaporates. In case of emergency is extensively to ventilate the room, also it should not be entered for at least a quarter of an hour.

Then applies extreme caution when cleaning up. Carpets should be dabbed dry before vacuuming with adhesive tape, the remnants of the broken energy-saving lamp are careful with rubber gloves to remove. Yet energy-saving bulbs due to the high savings in terms of power the future of artificial light dar. Energy saving lamps with a plastic coating are also available, which is designed to protect against a break-up. Filed under: Jeff Gennette. Such products are therefore particularly suitable for use in the nursery.

In addition, the manufacturers due to the warnings are striving to improve product safety. Besides working on extensive consumer information, so consumers no questions and fears remain. Environmental authorities assure that the European decision for energy-saving lamps is still accurate and future-oriented. More information: service/press / GmbH Lisa Neumann

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Sunday, November 17th, 2019 News

