Great Dance Ladies

Why the psychologists we resisted to acquire the honoraria to him to our patients? Soon after received a patient enojadsima said to me: You study psychology to cure yourselves and as they do not obtain it, they try to cure to the others If there were counted with twenty-four hours to give an answer him, surely it would not have been me cayado as I remained. It was right! That irritated lady helped me to think that each studies to desangustiar itself. For example, I am convinced that the majority of the doctors is hypochondriac. When somebody does to me a consultation I feel qualified to suppose that I am I heal, that I own the truth, that I know well how he is this to live and other deliriums. If this belief is very strong, we can suppose that in the personal analysis of the psychologist not yet these fantasies worked and for that reason it occurs by sufficiently paid with the consulting attitude of the patient. Indeed, who does a consultation to me and she allows to believe so enormous and rewarding silly thing me, it does not deserve that it receives to him. It is more: it could leave me so contented that I would have desire to pay him. To sum up Wanted psiclogo/a: If you do not know how to receive your patient to him, it is because your natural honesty indicates to you that he is who is giving something you that your you need. When you stop being client of your patients (it rereads this of being client of your patients), you will see how no longer you will have more reason to carry out a so valuable work to the low price of the necessity. I assure it to you!

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Sunday, January 12th, 2020 News

