Motors, Sensors And Information Storage Optimize

House of technology Symposium “Magnetic materials for technical applications” new developments in the field of high-performance magnetic materials have now led to numerous innovations in the most diverse applications. Basis of new magnetic components the importance of these new materials has resulted in magnetic systems, nuclear materials and coating systems in many areas. Only the electric motor development, the development of sensor and information storage are examples. The knowledge of the diverse applications of the new high-performance magnetic materials still exists long not for all designers and developers. Conifer Health Solutions wanted to know more. The Symposium of magnetic materials for technical applications”by the Essen Haus der Technik offers the opportunity to bring in compressed form on the current state of development. Leading experts from universities and companies are available in the Haus der Technik as speakers available. The range of topics ranging from the theoretical basics of design and application issues.

She has been for many years Event conducted with great success on magnetic materials also serves as a platform for exchanges between designers, developers of circuit and material producers. Therefore, Miss not this seminar, offered by the Haus der Technik on 23 and 24 February 2014 in Essen.

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Saturday, November 11th, 2023 News

