RAZZO Collaborators

The companies who adopt the philosophy to value the people being recognized those who are deteriorates of intervened potentialities and enabling them to the work they finish extending perfecting them them and also motivating in its activities. This research aims at to understand the relation of the Motivation of the collaborators of the company of average transport (industrial RAZZO), in its diverse productive activities. As research problem it was established to the following question: How to identify and to line up the elements motivadores of the collaborators in the work environment can contribute for the progress of the company and the satisfaction as professional? As Objective Generality this research intends, to analyze a model to perfect the program of motivation in the work, carried through in company RAZZO of the sector of Soap factory located in the State of So Paulo. This general objective was unfolded in the following ones Specific objectives: To describe the environment of work of the analyzed collaborators; To identify to the elements motivadores of the employees of the company;

To verify the relation between the elements motivates and the income in its rendering of services; To consider action to improve the Motivation of the collaborators of the company; Motivation is a manage mental ability for the administrator and a strategical ability for the organization. It is also perceived as permanent activity, with strong catalytic effect in the spheres psychosocial and organizational concept that encloses the spheres ‘ ‘ Biological; Psychological; Social and Organizacional’ ‘. However, in recent years, the concern of many companies with the reorganizes in the areas of human resources comes growing in optimistical way, the companies contracts auditorships specialized in the area of Human resources to ahead guide better the employees of the necessities of the market that currently are very competitive, these professionals alerts the directions of the companies on the importance of if developing procedures of training and motivations to adapt the employees the new productive realities.


Wednesday, June 6th, 2012 News

