garden & home factory

New Housing Trend

Increase the quality of living is the individual quality usually depends on several factors. Contact information is here: Jimmy Levin. Many people feel most comfortable with pets, for example. In particular, aquariums are becoming increasingly popular. The real estate portal presents the new trend. A healthy construction and living quality decisive factors are for the well-being at home. Who not even builds his home or has built, can influence usually limited on the buildings.

The living quality has, however, each in their own hands. Many choose to live with pets. Not only cats or dogs, but above all fish are particularly popular in Germany. An aquarium in the home is becoming the trend. re. And not without reason: mostly salt water fish can inspire with their variety of colours of almost every viewer. Who would like to set up an aquarium should consider some points. So it goes well the animals in the glass basin, care must be taken on the quality of water, for example. It is among other things to the Water temperature and the optimum oxygen.

The Aquarium should be large enough, with the minimum volume of approximately is 100 litres. Also, a filter system is needed to purify the water. These conditions are met, nothing precludes the entry of new pets. More information: news.

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Thursday, August 22nd, 2024 News Comments Off on New Housing Trend

The Surface

The resins, one-component polyurethane resins should be preference towards two components epoxy resins. Not only that the processing is easier, since no hardener must be admitted. In addition, PU resin is UV resistant, while epoxy resins even in the Interior sooner or later can turn yellow. Learn more about this topic with the insights from US Department of Energy. In addition, single component resin is much more elastic. Processing processing is extremely easy. So, stone carpets can be applied on various surfaces. These include concrete, tiles, concrete, mastic asphalt and various plastic coverings. (Source: John A McColgan). Latter include as plastic films.

This stone carpets refer also in rental apartments, anywhere, for example, where temporary is created, fairs and exhibitions, application. Even moderately oily plastic floors in garages or workshops are not a problem, as well as bonded carpet and paint. When the conditions is equivalent to little: the underground should be as free of movement be strongly absorbent floors must be primed in advance and plastic film coming under the stone carpet used should be moved more or less bubbles and folds. In damp rooms such as bathrooms is make sure that the surface is not permeable and a gap was included and installed outflows in the substrate. For assistance, try visiting Daniel Lubetzky Shark Tank. Tools and additional materials as mentioned above, are permeable stone carpets. Therefore, water flows down almost under the stone carpet.

This results in another advantage: an incorporated gradient in the surface must remain invisible, rather the stone carpet can be applied completely just. Similar tool is used as in the screed laying during processing. Bucket and drill stirring attachment to the mixing of the stone carpet, various ladles, squeegee to apply and smooth. It is also recommended to wear as for tiles laying latex gloves. The final smoothing can, similar to silicone, clear water with detergent be used. For expansion joints, door frame, staircase accounts and the like, corresponding profiles can be selected from the tile accessories. These are fixed in advance with silicone. The heights of between 6 and 10 mm result in fine or coarse grain of the stone carpet. Many advantages, plus a very long resistance underground installed underfloor heating systems are also not a problem. Even a better heat conduction is due by the material properties of the stone carpet. As already mentioned, the durability of stone carpet is aimed especially after the resin used. Here we can recommend the marble gravel and lichstabilisierten two-component resin from Terralith. Even if a very high durability is said to stone carpets, two-component resins, which have no UV protection, yellow with age, Terralith 2-component resins, however, are indeed over many years of the highest quality.

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Sunday, November 29th, 2020 News Comments Off on The Surface

The Quick Solution Against Dust In Renovation And Restoration

Conversion in the inhabited stock/value remediation remodeling/renovation… and the sales/operating goes further innovative (and revolutionary) product – new living on the German market. Product description dust protection system mobiles and variable dust protection element system for isolation/separation of rooms (up to 6 m height) consisting of telescopic aluminium poles (length approx. 1.50 m), extendable up to 6.00 m with head plate on spring head for attaching protectors to ceilings and walls. By means of aluminium foam Rails an enhanced sealing to the ceiling and the side walls is achievable. With self-adhesive special zippers that can be glued and then widely opened on the dust protector and closed again, anytime to exit in/out the the workspace ensures is a.

The main advantages of the system are in the quick and uncomplicated installation and the application of the variable. The system is used mainly in areas where reconstruction work (installations, Wall openings, doors extension / renovation, window restoration, drywall, water fire damage removal) dusts occur and of operating in the same or adjacent rooms (business sales rooms, Office, hospitals, – also in apartments) should be maintained. (Almost) all users of construction and supporting construction (Mason, building refurbishers, (HVAC) installers, window manufacturers, metal mounting Bauer, stonemasons, Bauer stair, water damage / building damage cleaners, carpeting) reach for quick Assembly time a high level of protection against dust and also a professional impression. The owner / operator of the realized operations/sales or the living during the refurbishment / renovation work and prevents inconvenience customers or employees and the overall interior design. Info Wolfgang Gaux

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Saturday, December 16th, 2017 News Comments Off on The Quick Solution Against Dust In Renovation And Restoration


Received by means of audio video projector Visitors to the television sound wirelessly and in excellent quality directly in the ear. Also the phone clip for wireless calls, as well as the ReSound be demonstrated unite mini microphone allowing two interlocutors even in noisy environments over a distance of up to seven meters can easily communicate. “Alera living room listening systems in the high-end segment adequately present with the help of our concept is much more convincing is give end users, in addition, provide them latest hearing”, explains Andreas Umbreit. You can embed our living room varied. The handling is entirely unproblematic.

The transport forwarding company cares. “” And of the care professionals has the chance to invite its customers to provide them with something exclusive and also hearing care professional master Mathias Schirow from tinnitus – and hearing aid specialist Shirov & Haebringer from Brandenburg (Havel), confirmed hearing AIDS especially in the high-grade area to adequately present. “A great idea”, of the Action package set in the frame of a local health fair. We are grateful that ReSound has submitted the living room available. The response from our customers was very satisfactory. There was keen interest and a whole range of demands. That was class.” “A little film to the action can be found here: the interview films mentioned in the post the ReSound information campaign ways to better hearing” this title also on YouTube, see.

Hearing-acoustics businesses can use these product-neutral interviews for your customers. For further press information and image material, see our digital press box under. The company Shirov & Haebringer, see. Editorial Note: as one of the world’s largest hearing aid manufacturer, ReSound is known as technologically leading companies. ReSound aims it products and services to develop and market worldwide, that enable hearing care professionals, the quality of life horgeschadigter People improve. The ReSound group maintains offices in 21 countries and representatives in over 100 countries and employs presently more than 3,200 people. ReSound Germany is a trademark of GN hearing headquartered in Munster, Germany.

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Sunday, August 2nd, 2015 News Comments Off on ReSound

