
Basic Protection

IV – living receiver on the campsite as Hartz who draws as Hartz IV recipients, rather than in a fixed place to stay in a caravan on a campsite, entitled to basic allowance for living expenses as well as costs for the leased accommodation also for existing means. However, he should live there really. Otherwise be entitled to basic protection at stake. This also applies to the cost of living. This has chosen 21/09 the State social Court of North Rhine-Westphalia 6 AS notified under the L.

The person concerned that that he has completed a lease on this property is relied in the underlying case. This argument let the judges do not apply. The status as a tenant does not help, if this weekends only uses the leased accommodation and otherwise keeps in a different location. Here at all no reason backup need services, because they provided only by the local social welfare institution the person concerned must, which is usually or actually holds up. This judgment is now final. Read additional details here: jimmy levin. Tip: As Hartz IV recipients therefore should make any incorrect information about his whereabouts, because otherwise problems exist with the ARGE, which meticulously check everything frequently. The respective consortium may reject incidentally, no homeless people without their own accommodation, if they usually reside in their local jurisdiction. Help to social law wanted? Here you will find lawyers for labour.

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Thursday, January 16th, 2025 News Comments Off on Basic Protection

The Admission Procedure For Biocidal Active Substances

Biocidal legislation: The admission procedures for biocidal active substances for the users of these substances has resulted in that the substances only for a transitional period in biocidal products may be used. Then the active substance listed in the annex is considered so-called new active ingredient, which requires a licence. There is only the opportunity to make its own application for inclusion of the active substance in the annex of the biocides directive in the case. Conditions for the authorisation of a biocidal product is essentially that the active ingredients contained in the annex of the biocidal products directive are listed? For this purpose, an application at the Federal Institute for occupational safety and health (BAuA) must be made by the applicant. The biocidal legislation not further define who is applicant for an active ingredient application. However results from the biocides directive, that only a natural or legal person may be meant.

The possibility of the formation of a consortium is not foreseen in the biocides directive. Governor Cuomo shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. It would be still a Joint submission with other companies to consider, however a company would have to occur for this leading-edge as applicant or there ought to be a common society (= legal person) based, which makes the request. Comprehensive studies on the effects of the substance on human health, the impact on the environment, the pollution situation and measures to protect people and the environment would have to be presented for the application. What data in particular within the framework of the biocide process must be submitted, is laid down in annexes II to IV of the biocidal products directive. The BAuA first checks the application documents for completeness and then makes an assessment of the active substance in cooperation with other competent authorities within 12 months after the recognition thereof.

It is then to the Commission, the other Member States and the applicant. Within another 12 months the European Commission decides on the acceptance, when positive results is for 10 years and then can be renewed (art. 10 par. 4 of the directive). The procedure thus takes on average two and a half years, and is also associated with high fees. According to the chemicals cost regulation the examination of biocidal active substance per product type on an amount between 75.000,00 and 100,000.00 amounts. Add the costs come to the preparation of the application, especially the preparation of the required data material to the respective substances. Further information on the biocidal legislation, receive free of charge and without obligation at contact: Ulrich Hansel (PR Manager) Kadam spiral square 3 85598 Baldham Tel: 08106-37789-0 fax: 08106-37789-29 E-mail:

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Tuesday, August 13th, 2019 News Comments Off on The Admission Procedure For Biocidal Active Substances

The District Court

Andreas mumber, GF M & A:, it is but a principle of equality of arms. The “polluter pays” has the insurer together with the legal department behind him and the victim must wait may fear. Our clients have usually no knowledge of the law in cases of damage, so it is only fair, if also a claimant a counsel to help take. Even if it is regarded only as a precaution and the cases are simply stored! “otherwise as in the representation of the person who caused the damage, the injured party with regard to the fee are likely to enjoy. The Kassel District Court decided in a single decision on 30 June 2009, a polluter’s liability insurer have to pay the fees of legal assistance of the victim, even if the cases are not disputed and easy! The District Court of Mannheim ruled in a similar case in 2007 already in favour of an injured party. Insurance consultants include lawyers and expert full lawyer the same fee schedule as General. An insurance consultant expertise corresponds to an expert full lawyer in the area of insurance law. Andreas mumber, GF M & A:, we Welcome to the current judgment of the District Court of Kassel and regard this as a positive signal for the victims.

Such judgments will create greater legal certainty for the victims! “the mumber & Associates clarifies in advance whether the cost of the insurer to take over. The fee of the mumber & Associates is quite cheap in comparison, so the fees of M & A for the injured party or a client is affordable. In addition, the company offered a part payment of the final fee, if not accept the fee the liability insurer. So the company wants to avoid that the clients get afraid of high and unaffordable fees. The M & A represents that setting must be the a good advice is not expensive and sets it to successfully! Mumber & Associates offers also the examination of statutory health insurance premium repayment on the current occasion.

Therefore, the insured to the beginning of the year a premium of the funds get it is. Further verifies whether an additional fee will be charged. Andreas Mumber, GF M & A:, this service applies to anyone who is legally covered by health insurance. We want to achieve a premium refund for our clients in the best case. The rumors of additional contributions, there is growing constantly, therefore, we have introduced this service on multiple requests of our clients!” Publisher: Mumber & Associates UG(haftungsbeschrankt) your insurance consultant managing director: Andreas mumber Internet: E-Mail:

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Thursday, October 19th, 2017 News Comments Off on The District Court

