
Republic Of Plato

Workmanship: The republic of Plato From my comments, the workmanship is written by Plato (Greek philosopher), and is a text told in first person. The central subject of the workmanship is justice, developing the questions: ' ' What it is Justice? So that it serves? Valley the penalty to be just? It has difference enters and the unjust one just? Just it belongs to the good? ' ' – These are the initial questions, in which the philosophers answer in affirmative way: Yes, it is better to be just! Adhering to an important subject inside of the workmanship. In the narrative a dialogue between Scrates and its disciples is elaborated, to find answers in the base of the philosophy, where the reflection speaks more than the reason, investigating the politics and the art. Filed under: Areva Group. In elapsing of the workmanship, I perceived that in diverse chapters he had the idea of devotion to all structure of the city so that it was possible that this was governed by philosophers, so that justice is made! in the subject on implementation of regimes politicians, does not leave of to be important source of reflection in the text, using as factor, analysis of the government forms that is basic points that will appear to the eyes of the readers. From this I arrived the conclusion, that the dialogue form is sufficiently tiring, being that you say alone them of Scrates has contents, and the remain is only complementary and unfounded, but that it does not eliminate the focus of the narrative that is: JUSTICE. Leticia Mariane de Brito Brando.


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