Braden Magnetic
From where we are in relationship with that source of energy, this has a huge effect on planet Earth. Sometimes we are far beyond and are somehow tilted and the effect is minor. Sometimes we’re closer or we are inclined towards her and the effect is greater.On December 21 of 2012, we have a shot in a straight line – a linear trip, without obstructions caused by any other planet or any other body in the solar system where we have direct access to that field of energy.Do question: However, mean that the magnetic poles are going to change and that we are going to have three days of darkness?Gregg Braden: There is no scientific evidence to support that.Question: I am glad to hear that.Gregg Braden: There has been much speculation about that. The magnetic poles have certainly been invested in the past. I can tell you as a former geologist that we can observe that in the geological record, 14 times in the last 4-1/2 million years ago.Before, each time that the magnetic poles are invested, these had weakened to some extent before the occurrence of the investment. Even though we’ve seen a decrease on the strength of the magnetic field of the earth over the past 100 years approximately, however is much more elevated the measurement you need to revert to the probability of this to happen in the next three years between 2009 and 2012 or until even a year or two later, seems to be a chance of low weight. We have so many other things that worry us.Question: there are new discoveries showing that we can think of time as an essence that continues the same rhythms and cycles that govern everything from particles to galaxies? Can we think of these things that happen in time as places within cycles?Gregg Braden: The basic point is that time is essentially a wave that is moving in one direction.
Climatic Elements
The skin of the face is the one that more is exposed to all the climatic elements and of contamination and by the same she is the one that mistreats more, along with the skin of our hands, and both are the presentation that we have before the society, a clean skin and polishes good speech of us. Every day it is more difficult to take care of our skin, because not only the contamination damages the cells in this way and the weaves, also stress and the revealed ones cause that the free radicals are freed and cause damage in our skin. A form to inhibit the effect of the free radicals is with antioxidants, and a form is using oil of argn for the face then this oil is in favor compound to a large extent of antioxidants that avoid the premature aging of the skin and that by its high essential fatty acid content repairs to the weaves of the skin vanishing wrinkles and scars besides giving back the elasticity of weaves of your skin. The properties of the oil of argn are very interesting and their cosmetic benefits are endorsed with investigations scientists, are for that reason who at the moment many cosmetic laboratories of great reputation are including the oil of argn within their lines of cosmetic as much for the face as for the hair. Although many people prefer to use the oil of argn for the possible purest face because they feel that this form they can be useful plus the benefits of this oil, and of which not only it they can use in the face but also it can take advantage of for the hair and the nails without having to buy diverse products. Although the pure oil of argn is more expensive, we see if it from this point of view if it is more income-producing than to buy products for each part of the body, and the best thing is than you can adapt the use of this oil according to the type of skin and hair that you have. Nowadays you can find oil of argn without mattering in which it leaves from the world cheers, the unique thing that you must take care of is to buy oil of good quality and you can obtain to this carefully reviewing it the site in which it thinks to buy.
It remembers if the oil of argn that you buy is of cosmetic use, must not have scent, nor greasy sensation, must half have a golden color and it is due to extend and to absorb easily by the skin, left a sensation you of humidifying in the skin. The form to apply the oil of simple argn s only applies drops in your perfectly clean face and sides at least to little your face are seen smoother and healthful, the properties of the oil of argn, help to maintain the skin hydrated and healthful, it is for that reason that every day more people are looking for to use this anti-wrinkle and reafirmante oil like. If you have the greasy skin, it tries to use in very little east amount oil or to do it after using a product astringent, because the oil of argn although is not greasy tends to humectar the skin enough. If you wish to obtain major information about how to use the oil of argn for the face and the properties of the oil of argn follows my articles close by.
One remembers, that the fable already was cultivated in Mesopotamia, two thousand years to us before ours was. Clay tables that come from scholastic libraries of the time briefly count histories of astute vixens, unfortunate dogs and presumptuous elephants. . Many of these texts show a great affinity with the proverbs by their antithetic construction, but they do not own an explicit moral. In the Greek antiquity, the first fable is well-known, like the one of the ruiseor, it told to Hesiod around century VIII a.c it in the works and the days, and it already owns the intention to make reflect on justice. Although in Homero there are no fables, his comparisons with animal already own in nuce the germ of the sort. The OX AND the MOSQUITO In the horn of an ox a mosquito settled.
After to remain long short while there, when going away to his flight it asked the ox if one were glad that finally one left. The ox responded to him: – Nor I knew that you had come. I will not notice either when you go away. What is learned of it? One says that to happen through the life, without giving him nothing to the life, is to be insignificant. LEON, the VIXEN AND the Tired and old WOLF the king lion, remained ill in his cave, and the other animal, except the vixen went, it to visit. Taking advantage of the occasion the visit, the following thing accused the wolf to the vixen expressing: – It does not have by our height any respect, and for that reason not even she has approached to salute or to ask for his health.
At that precise moment the vixen arrived, just in time to hear what has been said by the wolf. Then the lion, furious when seeing it, sent a ferocious shout against the vixen; but she, requested the word to justify herself, and said: – She tell me, among all the visits that you have here, who has given so special service you as the one that I have done, that I throughout looked for doctors who with their wisdom prescribed an ideal remedy to you for curarte, finding it finally? – And which is that remedy? , I occurred it immediately. Orden the lion. – You must sacrifice to a wolf and ponerte its skin as shelter responded the vixen. Immediately the wolf was condemned until death, and the vixen, ***reflxing mng itself exclaimed: – To the landlord it is not necessary to take it towards the resentment, but towards the benevolence What includes? Who tends traps for the innocents, she is first in falling in them.
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