
Egyptian Tarot

Egyptian Tarot cards provide the interesting possibility of studying the evolution of the tarot from its origins to our days. While it is attractive to be able to compare the similarities and differences between the Egyptian arcana and the Gypsy tarot, your analysis is particularly fruitful in understanding, especially, the way in which has evolved the reading of letters with the centuries. How to interpret messages from the letters, as it is natural, are changing as humanity evolves and faces new challenges to its limitations. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Western Union on most websites. Egyptian Tarot, the Empress is the arcane number III. It essentially represents the living energy of the universe focused and concentrated on the realization of an end. It is the Charter that speaks of creation expressed in action: ideas that actually do. For the Egyptian people, the realization of the ideas in the material realities meant perfect communion between the physical, mental, and spiritual planes. This is why that this letter may be construed as the announcement of a next stage of prosperity material.

Creative ideas favor production, and with it the physical well-being and material. The Egyptian Empress, however, also warns that the motorization of ideas brings with it a lot of obstacles to overcome. Although the consultant encouraged not discouraged: with its thrust, will be overcome without a doubt. In the Gypsy tarot Empress shows us the need to respect the natural time of each process. Something that the Egyptian people, accustomed to the rhythms of nature, almost instinctively understood. But that humanity was losing, with the passing of the centuries, embarked in frantic racing toward nowhere, lost the vital tie with its essence.

For this reason the Empress has become little by little the Arcanum of the seed that is sowing and cares to see it germinate in due time. The one that speaks to us of the importance of wait time just to implement our ideas, without trying to hasten their development. Empress tells us that only thus will we obtain a lasting prosperity and is between the decks of tarot, the that emits the valuable message of not neglecting the human aspect of our business. Invested, this arcane speaks precisely of a power that does not respect the natural stroke and is, for that reason, condemned to failure.

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