Web design

Information Portal

It is understood that to achieve the popularity of the Internet resource honest methods is not easy, but possible. Implying the effective, fair promotion? I'll take the example of studio of web-technologies Design Insight" with the following criteria: – Sophisticated navigation – prescribed by relevant keywords – thoughtful headlines – good layout – honest content – search engine optimization. In general, an ideal site. Moreover, the website has a good PR (PageRank) and TIC (Citation Index). Can I earn on this website using his supposedly attendance? The answer is simple – No, No! With all due respect to this Site by users, professionals and retrieval systems, it attendance will be insignificant for earnings in the Internet. But why, because everything is thought out and implemented? In this case we have (like it or not) advertising platform! Tell me, how often do you read promotional spam, or on their own watch TV commercials? Personally, I do not often! That is why for earnings in the Internet news site needs. The site, which contains unique content, fresh interesting information. The information which I would like share, which is read with enthusiasm.

When a user goes to an interesting article, read it, certainly, a positive share with friends and colleagues! Thus, the site will unwind by the readers by visitors, not your investment in search engine optimization (which is also helpful). A (non) secret of success – information. The site should provide information. Fill your site, write articles, write criticism, quotes and Analyze the press. The more useful on the site (interesting) information, the better chance of success. Sure it's current articles to see how search engines index the article! If you have a lot of unique articles, news and topics (which are only on your website) you can be sure that the searches you'll be on top. 2. From idea to realization of one month (practical example) the requirement – the project must be opportunity to include in its database Specialists (web consultants) who are in private practice on the Internet.

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Wednesday, March 4th, 2020 News Comments Off on Information Portal

Website Success

Maybe it's not too perfect, and much of it could be changed, but anyway it has led me to goal. I think that to learn about my successes and failures would be very instructive. So, let's go in order. Here's how it was. Step number 1. The first thing I thought about what information will be stored on my site, why it will be stored there, whether it is necessary for people and will be useful.

Honestly, this step was for me the hardest. I thought for a long time that I can and know best. After going through dozens of ideas, I finally found her and now do not regret that stopped on it. This is an important step in building a website and I advise you to decent pay attention to this issue. Step number 2.

Then I made a plan of their actions and figured, what the money amount I need. All this was recorded on a regular paper, regular pen. This stage was very important, plain paper has stimulated me to action. I clearly saw that the steps that I need do and just did. In the end result was not long in coming. Although the original paper in the process has changed dramatically, and not everything that I originally wrote it, it was really necessary, it is our task performed at 100%. Step number 3. Then I had a lot of time "wander" on the Internet and find out what software is needed. Writing a paper on those programs that I need, I went to the store and tried to get them there. Of course, all programs at once is not found, had fairly run. Now when I sit in front of your monitor and write this, I can say with certainty that the list of programs that I then was, was far from complete.

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Tuesday, March 26th, 2019 News Comments Off on Website Success

