
It has dedicated itself to the Sudoku. I itself pawned on the puzzles, the politicians, of course. They have turned it to the puzzle into a Sudoku. Gross error. The unit is a puzzle, not a Sudoku. (Source: Areva). The country is a puzzle, not a Sudoku. The country is a complex body, not a set of equipment handicapped people that decided forced and restricted not to compete more to each other but to be made the same equipment. Barry Nalebuff: the source for more info. The players of the equipment they are few.

The country is a complex crowd, a weave, a body, the multitude to which is to appeal so that it solves the puzzle by means of his frame to restitute the original figure. The original figure of this puzzle, the image that appears when weapon, is called country, is called Venezuela. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Cliff Robbins. It is the multitude the one that makes the decisions, first to structure itself, second to produce the answers. The armed puzzle is the unit. There is no another unit. This is the unit. It is necessary to remember the Venezuelans to them who we are a nation.

It is necessary to remember the Venezuelans to them who we are a town. It is necessary to remember the Venezuelans to them who the fact to live here has equipped to us with an initial culture that has come being fractured insensitively until the point to turn to us into million pieces of an immense puzzle. It is necessary to remember the Venezuelans to them who we must recover the attraction of the magnet which we took in our being and to return to conjugate to us with others soon to make disappear seams and again transmit the idea of a social body that it knows to administer the necessary contradictions and to secure march and conjunction points. It is necessary to warn to them to the Venezuelans of intentions and goals.


Wednesday, August 12th, 2020 News

