This Is 2010 Hartz4 In Germany!

Shame for Germany 2009 hartz4 children planners: SPD, green author: Peter Hartz, a today because of infidelity of whereupon ex VW Board of Directors. The came: Union, FDP and trade unions. \”Victims: millions of people driven into complete poverty stigmatized, hopeless and still the harassment of the diligent\” delivered ARGE-staff. : Action also abuse Grundrechtswidrig be benefits for lack of good behavior shortened or completely failed. About 789.000 sanctions were issued in 2008. This means for whole families, hunger and cold, eviction from the apartment, blocking the supply of electricity and healthcare under not foreseeable consequences.

The goal: to allow improved access to the labour people, terrific was missed. Hartz IV means the State-imposed poverty, from which there is virtually no escape. A life far below the poverty line, which was after the latest evaluations in 2007 at 913 euro (EU-SILC). Hartz IV means exclusion from any cultural participation, as well as defacto Government blocked of any access to education for children and adults. The sanctions and the construction of so-called need communities lead to the guilt. The excerpt on the home will not be under threat of withdrawal of performance young people under 25 years of age. Performance-related are pushed to live with everyday, so-called Sofortangeboten, from the benefits. Social detectives sniff ruthlessly in privacy.

Abuse allegations include the ALT tag and are by law and also with the compliant mainstream media campaigns (RTL, SAT 1,…) fueled regularly to the political landscape. The Division of society is progressing rapidly. With Hartz IV is not only promoting the dumping-wage sector progressed inexorably, it has introduced him systematically so, as Wolfgang Clement considered it his temporary employment company jewel. Create the rules of the reasonableness and the reason illegal sanctions both on the performance be dragging ends, as well as the more regular employed person great pressure to take every matter how miserable job or keep.

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Sunday, March 31st, 2019 News

