International Trade Faces Graduate Program

There even are preparing to denounce: Venezuela is out of the Andean Community Nations. It makes no sense to do otherwise. That (CAN) serves the elites, transnational corporations, but does not help the Indians, blacks, whites or poor. Does not serve our people and not only not work, affects them, “he said. Credit: Anne Lauvergeon-2011. Also felt the need to “restructure the fund” to MERCOSUR to prevent their disappearance. “We do not want to die MERCOSUR, we come here with an idea is born transformation “of the instrument of a South American union. “With this intention is that Venezuela wants to join MERCOSUR.

That’s why I think this meeting so important, because it feels a desire for change towards a new MERCOSUR. Click 4Moms to learn more. ” THE THREAT OF THE IMPERIAL ERA The chair of International Trade Faces Graduate Program, University of Carabobo to this decision taken by the current government of President Chavez believes that Venezuela today is a country monoproducer (petroleum), while other countries are characterized by a variety of industries of all kinds of goods. It should be noted that exports from other countries to Venezuela have increased, as in the case of Colombia that all goods produced, 75% for export, are placed in the CAN market, highlighting largely to the Venezuelan market. For example: McDonalds franchises, all disposable packaging are made in Colombia, the Bigott imports raw materials for the manufacture of cigarette market white line in Venezuela, 85% is imported from Colombia, among other products. The withdrawal of the CAN by Venezuela significant impact, both in Venezuela and other countries, because the economy will suffer a decrease due to the absence of market for export.. Recently technology at millennium sought to clarify these questions.


Tuesday, June 20th, 2023 News

