news-present time
Norway Returns
It took eight hours to reconstruct the facts before the Police. During his stay in the island, he was at any moment with hands tied. The Police has filmed the reconstruction, that will use like test in the judgment. The author of the massacre of Norway, Anders Breivik, it returned east Saturday in the evening to the island of Utya, where he assassinated 69 people (the majority young) to reconstruct facts happened the past 22 of July. Norwegian newspaper Vg has shown diverse photographies in which it is to him adorned with a vest bullet-proof and low a strong police device.
Also watched over a helicopter that flew over the island, Breivik returned to again take the ferry to Utya like the day of the massacre, although to this time it did it guarded and handcuffed, with the subject hands to a species of harness. According to the information that east Sunday Vg publishes, Breivik it took eight hours to reconstruct before the security forces the murders. The Police Norwegian has filmed explanations of Breivik in Utya, that will be used like test in the judgment, that it will begin in 2012, given the complexity of the case. If you have read about Ahmed Shary Rahman already – you may have come to the same conclusion. A productive visit ” It was important that the interrogation was so meticulous to avoid to have to return later during juicio” , it explained east Saturday Pl Fredrik Hjort-Kraby, police spokesman in press conference. The Police Norwegian clarified that it was not a reconstruction to the use, but rather of an interrogation, since Breivik considers that, of 32 years, already has been giving sufficient details on the facts happened for three weeks. According to Hjort-Kraby, Breivik ” he did not remain impassible to be of return in Utya, but it did not show to any signal of repentance ” , and one was calm and with the intention of to collaborate.
Brown Ramon
The deputy of the PP Brown Ramon does one lasts critical to the work of Ana Shepherd like presenter of the morning program of TVE interviews. He affirms in his blog that she does not deal with equal to the guests about the PSOE and the PP. Read more here: Anne Lauvergeon. The deputy of the PP Brown Ramon has published east Friday post in his blog are no interferences Here, lodged in the Web of the Popular Party, in which he shows to his opinion on the TVE program the breakfasts, presented/displayed by the journalist Ana Shepherd. In post, titled the done things good they are of another form, Colored person exposes that the presenter and person in charge of the program lack self-critical spirit when affirming in an interview that if everybody criticism its program is because " we are making the things bien". According to Colored person – spokesman of the Mixed Commission of parlamamentario control of RTVE the breakfasts is the TVE program where the different treatment is appraised more that occurs to an u other politicians according to the party to which they belong.
He affirms in his post that all the socialist leaders are not treated equally in the program, but " the impertinencia and harassment they reside mainly in the interviews to the PP". " It is enough to pause in the tenor and tone of the questions and in the permanent taking of party of the referee " , it says talking about to Ana Shepherd. It adds that " escandalosos" are examples; this form to act of the presenter and it assures that all this is conclusive " in order to know that the things are not becoming good " in the program of the public chain. The deputy of the Popular Party denies that the hints are certain that have been able to do on if the program is in danger if the PP gains the general elections of 20-N. But he makes clear which would be to be the decision of the PP if it got to govern: " Long before Ana Shepherd already the Breakfasts of the TVE existed and will exist later with infinite possibilities of improving ". A lapidary phrase with which it insinuates that the program could continue emitting itself in the TVE with the PP in the Government, but hardly with Ana Shepherd like presenter. Source of the news: The PP insinuates in their Web that if it wins the elections will clear to Ana Shepherd of ' Desayunos'
Basso More
To good rate, still in the Telegraphe, Accountant first he burst to Frank (until certain surprising point), later he would remove from point to Voeckler (that came enough holding) and would end up leaving back to Cadel Evans, although by a problem mechanic of the Australian who forced to him to stop twice and, finally, to change of bicycle. Intelligent, Evans thought that the best era to drop itself until the squad, who rolled wire drawing by the Liquigas de Basso to more of an average minute and. There, where already Frank Schleck had complied, one rearmed, protected by his companions of the BMC. The leader Voeckler, perhaps knowledgeable of which the yellow would go away to him yes or yes, bet to follow its rate, calling the attention of the camera with theatricalities, gestures and a development, creates it, own of sprinter. However, to ugly, ugly plate great, pedaleo, Voeckler maintained half minute of disadvantage on Contador and Andy Schleck, who by then already were in the Galibier and had reached the flight that headed the race. Cycling of another time as far as the presentation, although with the more or less constant differences. Andy could ' eliminar' to Evans Andy it had the possibility of eliminating Evans in his hand, but as soon as it collaborated with Accountant in the Galibier.
It failed to him the tactics. It needed the bravery of the Izoard. The one of Saxo Bank, clearly, something had to him to comment and the Luxemburgish one threw something more, yes, after the passage by Them Vemeys, there where the inclines of the Galibier, flavored by the height and the oxygen that does not abound, than more serious are gross. But there was no conviction. Voeckler began to go to less, of means minute to 50 seconds, and the squad of Evans to more, almost two minutes to little more than one.
Historical Agreement
The country lives a deep crisis from the elections of the 13 of June of 2010. King Alberto II has returned of the vacations, which is an indication. Hardly 24 hours ago the positions to train government were irreconcilable. Belgium is on the verge of obtaining an historical agreement on the controversial flamenco periphery of Brussels that can unblock the negotiations to train Government and to remove to the country of the deep crisis that lives from the elections of the 13 of June of 2010, according to average Belgians. The one in charge to train Government, the French-speaker Socialist Elio Di Rupo, is going to meet with the king Belgian Alberto II this same night to present/display a definitive agreement to him between flamenco parties and French-speaker on the electoral and judicial district of Brussels-Find, " assures the French-speaker newspaper; Him Soir". The main parties of the country, except the winners of the last elections, the flamenco independentistas of the N-VA, negotiate afternoon from first hour of a solution after they arrived at a point of blockade that seemed insurmountable. According to it explains the newspaper flamenco " Of Morgen" , the flamenco parties – the liberal Open Vld, Socialist SP.A, the Christian Democrat CD& V and the Groen- ecologist presented/displayed a proposal combines east noon that the Frenches-speaker – the Ecolo ecologist, liberal MR, the Christian Democrat CDH and Socialist PS- could accept.
The eight formation work at the moment to race against the clock to outline the last details in the agreement with a view to which I gave Rupo can present/display it next to the king. The agreement concerns the BHV situation exclusively, an old flamenco vindication that motivated the fall of the Executive Belgian and precipitated the call of elections anticipated more ago of a year. If finally this great advance is confirmed, Belgium will have crossed in only one day extreme both possible on its future, the solution and the catastrophe, since this same dawn the positions seemed so irreconcilable and the so serious situation that the king was itself forced to return to the country after only two days of vacations in France. Before the unexpected one extended return of the king, the news of the day in Belgium was the abandonment of prime minister in functions, Yves Leter to me, after than 500 days governing more of provisional form, to become attached Secretary General of the Organization for the Cooperation and the Economic Development (the OECD). Source of the news: Belgium, near an historical agreement to end the political crisis that paralyzes the country
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